Bump on the Head

Well here it is:

Once upon a time there was a woman who was standing
And she stood and she stood and she stood.
Then one day she started a whirling and twirling
landing feet pointed skyward, her head kissing wood.
A knot could be found on her head, big and hard
And at the big hospital they just wanted her medical card.
After tests, rests, pests and an ambulance cruise
she found she had suffered simply a great big bruise.
So home she did go with her eye swollen shut
where she is waiting for less swelling
before she leaves her small hut.

You never know what each day will bring. Sitting to write a simple thank you card can land you in the hospital. Who knew. I think about that often. When wee wake up each day we really never say, "Today I will land on my can and fracture a hip" yet...given enough time we can accomplish this and much more.

The point is that we should not take our healthy time for granted. It is the time to prepare for those moments when we are less graceful or less able to do those simple things like walk, exercise, sweep, wash dishes,etc. You get the idea. You think it is not me, won't happen to me, I am so in charge.

You are so not and the reality is, it could be you NOW, while minding your own 'biz! As you are sitting and reading this small passing thought, you could fall off your stool and get a big knot. So what will you do to prepare for that fall, it will happen to you in no time at all. The result you may find from a good bump to the head, is you can't remember the things you have read. So tape to the wall the goals for each day, like standing and sitting in the safest of ways:)

Jude 24-25


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