Christmas is Here

It is always at this time of year that I tend to be more reflective. I am probably not alone in that. I am reminded of Gods' love for me throughout the season. Even as I am wrestling with extremely uncooperative Christmas lights outside, God is there. And He does not abandon me (or my family) when I ruin yet another meal, always giving my wonderful husband the grace to say "It's not bad" as he washes each bite down with a glass of water. Or Cody, who reassures me "Don't worry mom, we can eat pizza!" God still knows my heart. Then there is that whole shopping and shipping thing which,while I have the greatest (or at least good) intentions, it always tests my Christmas (and Christian) spirit. I can just see God, perhaps shaking his head, but then He smiles and pats me on the shoulder reminding me that, even in postal lines, He is there.

It has been a challenging year and yet I am reminded of a few important facts as I survey the events of the day:

We are more alike than unalike.
I am not alone in my suffering.
I am not alone in my stress.
I am not alone in the checkout line!

We are all in the season together, whether or not we remember the real reason behind Christmas. There is a hint right in the holiday name you know. I try to imagine the citizens of the world 2000 years ago getting all hung up over decorations, lights, baking, preparation or shopping. No one even paid attention until GOD provided a real Christmas star (sans bulbs) showing them the place to find their gift. A great, living gift! He is the only gift we need to share or receive, and there is no shipping, postage, line, or stress involved.

THANK GOD for this season and the gift of eternal life in Christ! My advise to you holiday shoppers and procrastinators is simple and oh so easy. Hurry quick to receive this gift as there is no waiting in line for this package. Merry Christmas!


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