
A lot of things come to mind when I hear that word....spam. I actually watch people when that word is said and it is truly generational I am convinced. People over....well, older than me think of it as a delightful, non-rationed, unrefrigerated miracle meat. Our troops ate it. Matter of fact the Russians attribute it with keeping their troops alive during the war. It has captured the worlds imagination over the decades and even caught the attention of Monty Python, I don't know why.
When people my age or younger hear the word spam it takes on a whole new meaning. It is bad mail from the Internet. Ads you didn't ask for, letters from people you don't want or those pesky chain letters. I don't know who starts it, but they occupy millions world-wide I would guess. The only miracle in dealing with Internet spam is that you will still be able to log on the next day without any funny things happening to your hard drive.
Spam can do that, cause your computer to crash, die, completely freak out...much like you will once it happens. Spam. It sounds bad, it does bad things, it is often a waste of time which again, makes it bad.
Now I don't know, I was already uncertain about a food named SPAM (does anybody really know what is inside) and now my computer email can be blasted with spam which may bring with it viruses, worms, Trojans, Druids. Really bad stuff. I hold a can of Spam meat and I think of computer spam critters and I am thinking I am going to opt for chicken.....................You? Doesn't really sound like something I want to put in my mouth unless I am on Survivor right?
I think a lot of what we take in each day would qualify as spam, and maybe stuff we put out may be spam as well. Content unnecessary, personal benefit questionable, time consumption ridiculous. Spam. If we consider the one really great value of the canned version, it is airtight, nothing in or out until you pop that little tab. You slither the contents out, eat, get full and you are done. Nothing wasted, supposedly safe and bacteria free. If we look at that spam mail, we can eliminate tons by simply clicking delete.
I like deleting spam. I wonder what I have going on each day in life that could qualify? I would love to delete a major list of "items" and only keep the chicken:) I think I will. And you should be spam free in life too. What do ya say?


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