"In" Style

Who has style, really? Doesn't it all depend on who you are and where you are? My style is definitely "in" in some parts of the world. They may be remote and never before seen by man, but I fit in "there". I see people so consumed with magazines, images, keeping up with Cosmo and In Style. And yet, at the end of the day we are all naked underneath and vulnerable, whether or not we have recognized that or not. I can not imagine the bondage that comes with that and at what price.

I was very attached to a few outfits, which were definitely in style when I bought them. BUT what I refused to do was pack them up or give them away because Hollywood or some insane designer in Europe deemed that indeed the Earth shoe was out and the clog was in. Or that my favorite bell bottom pants were passe. And guess what, they are all back in again. Style changes with the wind. Think about how many things you have thrown away and then in 5 years purchased more of the same. Been there!

And the same can be true for our homes and cars. I put color on the walls and many shared their opinions. Not "in", or why would you do that? And you know what, less then 2 years later many of those same voices were painting their walls all kinds of colors. Want to know why I did it? Can you guess? I am orange. I must have orange in my life. I am not referring to my race or skin color but my personality. I am up, must have up, see up and feel up to be up. I get depressed around certain colors as they remind of say old military infirmaries or funeral homes or mental institutions.

I am not beige in any way. Any one who knows me would probably figure that right out. But then there are those who look at me with those sideways glances, or rolling eyes to others in the room. I see it all, but that is okay. I will never meet their standard or follow their version of normal or "in". It just isn't me. And I would never fault them for being who they are. It is just them.

The beautiful thing is that you don't have to fit in to fit in! It is true. We are unique, you have heard this before, but you should wear it every day. Even though I think some looks are insane (yes I said it) they can really help that person feel comfortable, safe, maybe even powerful. Feeling the need to get others approval weigh you down, but One loves you all the time, even in those unflattering shoes or stretch knit shorts.

What is a fact and one of my favorite statements "We are more alike than unalike". I find this to be completely true. So just as you are judging or criticising others, it is highly likely that someone is doing the same to you. If you are embracing others they will likely embrace you. So be comfortable in your skin, then you will always be in style and enjoying the style of others.

1 John 3:18
Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.


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