Turning a New Leaf......

I am so excited to see this year close and a new year begin. Why you ask? No you didn't ask? That's alright, it's my blog and I am going to tell you anyway. That's the beauty of writing:-)

I can list many good things that happened this year. Among them a great visit with my sister and my brother earlier in the year followed by a family Thanksgiving Feast organized by my nephew. Wonderful to see family. I get so lonely for company as I don't get away like I used to. Change number one for 2012: GET AWAY!

I started a new position in December that is delightful! While I had to leave the best roomie ever, I have found that I have pleasant office mates, an excellent boss, great employees and I am doing something I truly enjoy. Change number two: ENJOY what you do!

Cody performed in a ballet and we all had a great time. It was work, it was a little "positive" stress and I loved every minute. I LOVED IT! I realized a lost love of mine is theater and performing. I have dug out the viola and am planning for more Cody and Mom theater works. Change number three: Do MORE things I love to do!
Rich has struggled with health and in a very tedious manner we are finding things one at a time. His gallbladder removed he has seen one set of symptoms resolved. A hiatal hernia has been found that explains another set of symptoms. Tests continue in order to identify the cause of the unresolved things. Change number four: PERSISTENCE! We have spent years waiting for others to act and now we have found two WONDERFUL surgeons and a new GI doctor. We are excited to see them continue to persist in their efforts to help Rich get better. We WON'T give up until we are symptom free.

As for the less then positive news, I will move on to my final change for 2012. Change number five: I won't focus on the things in this list. Too easy to be distracted from what matters, what has been given, what has been forgiven. I will concentrate on the promise and hope that has been presented to us in a manger a long time ago.

Happy New Year my dear friends and family! You are one of the positive things I am choosing to remember and carry with me into the New Year. Look forward to many memories with you!


  1. appreciate your writing, and always keep the positive in your hand...as God holds us in His Hand. Looking forward to a great year with you all, love you always.


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