Gettin' Jiggy

What is it that has this boy dancin'? Music would be a great first guess, but not!  Good grades? Maybe. Good friends? Pretty good. Dinner? Some days perhaps, but not THIS day. The answer my friends, NEW CLOTHES! Yes it appears if you don a pair of Stafford men's Classic Fit slacks and a new polo shirt you can't help but move your groove thing. I love to shop and fortunately so does he. He loves clothes. And when he saw these on the hanger in the men's suit department, NO I was not shopping for him, he exclaimed "This is it mom! I need THESE!" And he began to show me how they would Needless to say we had the attention of the very seasoned, perhaps original suit salesperson who was quite unsettled by his Elvis like moves. Good times:-) And as you can see the Hound Dogs' still got it goin' on.
He has been most excited to hear from teachers and friends how handsome he is. I already knew that, but apparently others have taken notice. And maybe the twist moves help. Whatever it is I would love to have a little rub off. In the interim, I enjoy the constant celebration of life that is our greatest Valentine's gift ever!

So food for thought: Try on some new clothes, tap your toes, strike that Saturday Night pose and get jiggy!


  1. We already knew how handsome he was...but LOVE the new duds!! :)

  2. I love it....he is the MOST handsome nephew!!
    love you guys always


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