56 more to go......but who is keeping track:-0

Wait, that would be me. I have made a commitment to respect my elders. After all, it is scriptural to care for the elderly and mash their food......feed them, something like that. I am prepared for the task what ever that might be. Of course, the question is, is HE ready for me? I know that he had one lovely older sister to 'train' him up and now a spry young one to prevent him from falling off that train! It is a big job but someone needs to do it.

So lets see what the world was doing in those pre-Dale moments. Babe Didrikson-Zaharias won the LPGA Sarasota Open. Television stations went on the air for the first time in Wichita Falls, TX, Tacoma-Seattle, WA and Altoona, PA. Television BEGAN! And one of the most famous people to fill our screens for the next 60 years was born, Ron Howard. Most intriguing, a nerve was discovered, or impinged or irritated, or some such. And they discovered there is a correlation between finger numbness and cold winds. Yes, it is true and it is recorded in the Journal of Physiology. Personally I am thinking a walk outside in the winter to get your saber tooth coat off the river rock may have rendered that information but it took thousands of years to write it down. These certainly were remarkable times of technology and research..........

A few more weeks and joy would come to the island. Yes, born a foreigner. But there is more to come on this topic. So settle in for the next installment, and of course prepare to celebrate 3/5 of a century with my bestest brother.


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