Merry Christmas?

I can not believe it is here! Don't have an app for the time warp that occurs between my sons birthday and the day after Christmas. It is a span of like 40 seconds. And as I stood in the line for the third time at the post office I discovered this time space continuum is global. We are all looking around dazed, unclear about what happened between the time we bought the gift on clearance last year and when we discovered it under some old blankets in the trunk two weeks ago. I encouraged one distraught grandmother who was feeling horrible about the late posting of the boxes. I reminded her that it is not like she forgot the children, she actually planned for this gift months ago. She just was unable to recall the actual 'plan' for the gift until the postman delivered her first Christmas cards. "Crap" she exclaimed and there it is, the sound heard round the world. It marks the emanate arrival of Joy, Peace on Earth and Good Will Toward Men.

And so it is with a grateful heart and abundant memories that I choose to let the seasonal anxiety disorder roll off my back and I put on the cloak of glad tidings. I will smile 'because I like to' as I so boldly posted on my Facebook (thank you to my twin Judy). I will sing along to Christmas music at the grocer. I will refrain from negative body language when standing in line at the department store as women or couples decide if they really want all of the things they have stuffed in both carts. I will not make agitated noises such as heavy unnatural sighs should they have the clerk go look for a different color 'just to compare'. I will remember that it is a great gift that was given all those years ago that made it possible for me to find hope in the challenges of the day. Yes even in the life threatening situations in line at the food court, I will keep my focus. I will cling to th cross and trust He will not allow me to weld it in anger but lean on it with patience.

Merry Christmas all. Find peace in His presence. Find joy in His wisdom. Find hope in his promise.


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