
Today was one of those days where despite my best efforts I was going to get exercise. Oh it wasn't the formal gym type or even the jogging path, it was inflicted by my lack of grace and equally stunning ability to drop all retrieved items at least once. That is right, I kept dropping "the ball" so to speak. Before i left the house I was already approaching a 300 count of bending and reaching equal to toe touches of Presidential Physical Challenges of school days long gone by.

I remember in elementary school I couldn't do a single set of sit-ups and have never been able to do a pull up. And it was not related to weight but lack of coordination of my muscle groups. They seem to be on separate pages. Now I can play volleyball with a laser sharp serve and excellent setting and spiking skills. And so that was my sport of choice. I also attempted to play basketball, ran the wrong way; softball, couldn't run all the way and track; high hurdles which left me to fall all the way! Stick to what you do best right?

So in the remainder of the day I was reflecting on my extensive morning work out and began to think of all the ways I can drop things during the course of the day. Certainly solid items, papers, pens, shoes, dishes, but then there are those less tangible things that often are dropped without planning. Words, bad sentences, comments, opinions, dropped on innocent by standers with no preparation. Hopefully they recover quickly and no harm is done, but sometimes there is damage that is long lasting.

I came to consider the events of today on two levels, the visible and the invisible. The heard but unseen activities that happen everyday all day long! I think I arrived home unscathed and without inflicting harm. But I know some days I arrive home seriously injured by one of these verbal accidents, and I am sure I have unintentionally flung verbal debris at others sometimes. SO I thought it would be a good measure each day, before each interaction to consider my posture and prepare my words before they leave me so that the only thing exercised is my brain.....and perhaps my face as I smile:)

Words from a wise man's mouth are gracious,but a fool is consumed by his own lips. - Ecclesiastes 10:12


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