Three things to remember

I love when I am having one of those days. The kind where you drive to your destination only to recall as you egress from your vehicle that you are not going to work, as you are unemployed, but that you are going to the grocery store. Or when you drive to church only to recall it is Thursday and you are supposed to be picking up your child from school due to early release . And then there is the most routine pho pah. I arrive at the store, purchase $86.91 worth of groceries and arrive home having forgotten the ONLY thing on the list:)

So to escape the "white coats" headed to take me away I attribute these things to a plethora of defects such as my advanced age, my recent head injury, the fact that I live with a man or that I am a mother. Depending on the day these cover most plausible excuses. I do have a selection I save for special occasions, but that will be another post I am sure. For a price I might even be willing to provide the entire list of reasons why I have missed the mark.

I try to stay oriented. For those who are home based employees full time, such as parents, care givers or the terminally unemployed I admire your ability to appear as if you are aware of the correct day, date and season. It is not like the stores help as they place Christmas decorations out in September. The TV shows are the same every day so I assume that you can guess the time but really, doesn't the View look and sound the same everyday? All that chatter so little substance. I truthfully need a Microsoft calendar alarming for each event and a time clock that tells me the correct date and time. I have resorted to programming my cell phone to beep when I am supposed to be somewhere or do something. Did I mention I had a head injury?

So my goal is to remember three things: Where I am going. This has succeeded with sticky notes and phone cues as well as regular reminders from my son "No Mom, we are going to therapy, remember?" What I am doing. I have gotten up mid program walked down the hall and am stumped as to the reason. It could be any of a dozen things depending on what room I end up in to which I loudly exclaim "Come on!" So I give up and just do anything that comes to mind:) Why I wake up. It is often to go to the bathroom, which is good. But even when I can't remember what the day holds, I wake up to see my favorite people and see them off to enjoy a great day. So as long as I don't miss that the rest will hopefully fall into place.


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