
Parents! You got to love them even when they drive you crazy. And they will...but then again I think we probably gave them a run for their money, right? It is always fun to see parents and their children no matter how old they are. I notice grown people when in the presence of their parents regressing to that attention seeking behavior that got them the pinched cheek or that special twinkle of an eye or a raised eyebrow!

When we consider the sands of time, it really works out about even, the amount of time we spend in each role. We are children for about 18-20 years, 35 if you are a man! And then you are an adult; wise, competent, able to sustain life without the need for parental guidance. Then you pass the crest of the mid-life roller coaster and the slow trickle begins eventually careening into geriatrics which is essentially the return to childhood. Many spending as much time on this end as at the beginning. So they get to parent us for a time then we often get to return the favor. Good stuff.

I have always said I may have to grow old but I will not grow up. I am avoiding that entire middle road where you have to be sensible and responsible....well not completely avoiding it, but I will have lots of immature fun along the way. That way when the time comes for me to return to the childish ways of my youth it will not be such a drastic change for those who will be changing my diapers. I will have always blown bubbles, giggled too loud and had a food fight each week just to keep in shape! They will expect no different as they have never seen me grow serious along the journey. A very different path from the parents of old.

So as I pass through my "parent" years it does not mean that there are not serious things going to happen, but I will find the positive or good in them. I will Give Thanks! Doesn't mean thanks for this horrible thing but thanks for taking care of me through it. I can do that, I can be grateful in all things. If I am grateful I can also find joy in the journey.


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