A Split Second

This past 10 days has been one of rejoicing and remembering. I have watched friends and family celebrate the joy of restored life that was once on the brink of death, and a family preparing for the passing of a life most loved. We are constantly reminded that we are not in control. It is the circle of life for all mankind. And these circumstances should drive us to the only one who is in complete control. But do they always?

In the trenches it is hard to find an atheist, or so they say. And when we are unprepared for life altering events, we often cry out to "God" even if we have never done that before or we are not sure who or what He is. But once the fear and urgency subside, so do the calls for an answer. A child should never suffer or die early, and we are always challenged to accept and understand those situations. When the child recovers despite the predictions of the physicians we often attribute that to people, but the truth is only God has that authority and power.

When our loved ones are faced with death, that is when we plead for reassurance or realize we are unprepared for what comes next. We perhaps have lived in a way that is apathetic or careless, not thinking about the end but only the moment. It causes great anxiety when the time arrives especially if we do not know for sure what the outcome will be. We may even become angry or utterly depressed. We have not paid attention to the message all of our life and now can not recall it. Yet it is the same today as when we first heard it.

The Christmas story really is the complete answer, as we see God becoming man for the soul purpose of dying so that anyone can live! Wow. In a split second we can choose to accept the offer of eternal life, a split second! That is how long it took a car to rear-end and total my van in June. That is how long it took a stroke to threaten the life of an eleven year old. That is how long it took for the last breath to leave a dear friend. Do you feel that in a split second you will have time to "think" about this offer? No, not really.

So my challenge today, take a second and make a decision that will give you eternal peace. No more fears about the unknown. No more anxiety or anger about the circle of life. A split second for all of eternity. Wow.

John 3:17


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