You choose!

What is it like to have unconditional love? That is a huge question. Obviously we have been told about the love God has for us. But the human ability to be like God in this regard is an epic challenge. It takes intentional actions, intentional thoughts, intentional words. It means truly letting go of whatever it is that would hold you back from freedom. You can't buy it, swallow it, zen it, ignore it! You must acknowledge that you are hanging on with the grip of a vice to whatever it is that is aching your heart. You are choosing to ruminate on the event, eating a steady diet of blame and hate. You are choosing to hold hands with the enemy as he leads you straight to hell. Don't do it. Don't give up your today, your eternity, for whatever it is that you are clinging to. If you are clinging to it, the bitterness, anger, sorrow, you can't be clinging to Jesus. You choose! It is completely up to you to choose to be free. It will take work, resistance, practice. But the battle can be won. You will not be alone. Truly, say no to the past so you can say yes to eternity!


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