"As cute as she looks she is a piece of work", a saying that applies to my son today. Hmmm. I had to do it by myself, whatever it was. Parents help? No way. Siblings help? Double no way. Dog help? Sure why not. The dog could be trusted, not so for the humans or so I would believe. And sometimes it was absolutely true. You know, the sibling who tickle you until you were purple or wet or other some such. Or who chases you around until you run into the wall and cut your head open. True! I have evidence. So it would be until I as older, I won't say how much older. I would find my own way, do my own thing.
Not all bad. I have been around the world and done a great many things that others only dream of. I have met so many fascinating people, many who are still friends today. And I have done some things that were less desirable as a result of my independent way. For me, often, learning comes by doing. A few 100,000 criminals have the same story. Fortunately I was not lost for ever. Salvation came and I was given a chance to do it over. Not everyone gets that chance. It has been even better!
So that cute little kid who broke everything she owns (I am talking bones not possessions) and was attacked by her science project has had her eyes opened a bit over the years and sees things a lot different then say, when I was 19. Whole other world and purpose. That was the world without borders or rules. Anything went. It was really not so much rebellion or apathy, but searching. Longing for a life satisfying experience to be the best high ever. As reckless as I was I never found it in all the adventure. Just a short "buzz".
It was when I found out why I was here, what my purpose was, who I could trust that I found I could find real contentment no matter where I was or what I was doing. No longer seeking to find something but suddenly interested in giving something, doing something that mattered for someone else. It has been life altering. I have a long lasting peace and joy that is there no matter what is going on around me. It is better than anything I felt before. And it didn't cost me a thing, I didn't have to fly around the world to find it. It is here all the time, 24/7. Isn't that great? So when you are tired of the roller coaster of life, check out the journey of a lifetime.
"You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy;
at your right hand are pleasures forevermore."Psalm 16:11
Mark 8:36 Romans 10:13 2 Corinthians 5:17 Jeremiah 29:11
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