
I feel like I am flying most days, and that is without a license and occasionally with the wrong glasses on. Ha. No worry, I simply remember that the objects in the mirror are larger than they appear, and that means that I am actually in your airspace or possibly your lap...hmm
I find that life does seem to move faster now than when I was younger. But I have also determined that it is because there is so much more to do than when I was younger. When I was 7 for example, I had hours to pull the legs off the daddy-long-legged spider (Sorry PETA) or to argue over that one page of homework. HOURS! But now my MINUTES are filled. I have dozens of activities to complete in that same period of time. So I have concluded that it does not actually GO faster, it does not GO anywhere! The schedule is just much more ROBUST!
Life may at times even resemble a robust cup of coffee. It can have some smooth sips and yet a few bitter ones. It may need cream or sugar at times as well. Or flavoring added to make it enjoyable at all. That being said, you take the now perfectly blended cup of java and carry it on to the plane of life and you are set to take wing.
As a pilot you map out your flight plan and get approval from the tower....when is the last time you checked with the tower to see if you were even taking the right trip? Then you do the preflight to make sure you have all the proverbial ducks in a row...fresh coffee, condiments, pillows and magazines. If all is good then you are approved for take off. If the ducks fly true, your flight is without event. You reach your destination and are free to egress.
I think life gets away from us when we don't take the time to check with the tower, we don't have a master plan, maybe we don't even have the goal or purpose. It is then that we end up with no time to spare, nothing accomplished, out of fuel and exhausted beyond our delicate years. No amount of good or bad coffee will bring you back from that either.
SO, take up flying. As you plan for the day, take your lead from your favorite airline. Get out the flight plan. Prepare, plot out the route and get the "go ahead" from the tower! Proverbs 18:10
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