
So what does it take to set you off balance, cause you great anxiety or fear? Are you a person who lets most of life roll off your shoulders or is it the very tiny alterations in your life that send you over the edge? I had the opportunity to evaluate that today.
A simple goldfish....cracker..... that is what it took for me to become sick to my stomach, develop a headache and require frequent trips to the loo. Goldfish! Well let me tell you the entire story.......

My son has celiac disease, can not ingest any gluten (wheat, rye, barley, malt, tritacalea or spelt. One crumb can cause him to develop stomach cramps, diarrhea, vomiting or worse. A crumb.
Now, that one crumb is serious, thus that goldfish cracker is serious. Yet it is such a tiny item, fits in the palm of your hand. BUT it can have serious consequences. So being the exceptional mother that I am, I became sick with worry.

Now, today is Sunday and I have just listened to how big, Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent the Lord is. Every where, all knowing, all powerful, always. So it is a fact that He has seen the goldfish enter the portal to my sons stomach and it is a fact that He knows the potential outcome of said ingestion. Most importantly it is a fact He also knows how to care for this child that is His....and He will do it so much more and better than I.

SO, I must lay down my fear, anxiety and eat food to calm my stomach. I must trust that the God that created the universe and designed this body is the God who has my son in His hand. As I type and read these words I am reminded how fragile my confidence is in Him who loves me most. Fortunately He knows that too thus He never lets go of me. So in closing this is what I know for sure, not even a goldfish will cause God to worry!


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