Are you Listening?

It has been an interesting time with the progression of my fathers dementia. He is a different man in many good ways, so we will focus on those for now. Growing up my father served in the military as a pilot. The only thing he ever wanted to do was fly. He worked at a theater making a dime a night and did odd jobs including giving people rides, carrying pregnant women up stairs at the the little two story "hospital" and much more all for the end goal of making a nickle and taking a flying lesson.

And fly he did, everywhere, in anything with engines and wings. He has a million stories to tell about his youth, his service and the two flying careers that followed. And over our lifetime we have heard them soooooo many times already. But now they are taking on new meaning. And I would go so far as to say that we have learned a bit about the value of a good tale. We may have passed on some story fests or only given half of our attention when we were younger, but now we are hanging on every word. History, purpose, humor, dad!

And what has surprised me is that as his details get a little mixed up I actually know some of the "original" facts. I must have listened a bit more than I was aware. In addition I am seeing that my father, who used to only socialize as a result of work requirements, is enjoying his new found audience. These unsuspecting beings are like chocolate to dad. He LOVES someone to come make his bed or help him get dressed as there is always a tale or two he can share. And don't get him started on his picture books. Those are awesome. He shows them to me like they are new every visit and that is just fine. I'm taking notes.

The best part? He is happy, and he has a million stories to tell and lots of new folks to tell them to. He waves at people walking by. He lights up with the least bit of attention. And when we go to visit, he pulls out the picture book to show us his new book, and I am all ears.


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