"Where will you be at 50?"
I never really gave this type of question much thought during my youth. Often we have dreams or ambitions that drive us in a certain direction. Some have very simple goals, quiet, uncomplicated by the need for constant success or failure type events. Then there are those who travel with the wind, never planning ahead but living in the moment, accepting the situation that lands at their feet. This would be me!
When I was three I wanted to be a nurse. Wanted to care for others, and to travel to Nepal or Goa. When I was eleven as a girl scout I wanted to be able to survive winter camping outings and single handed tame the snake in the loo. Great story and completely TRUE! Then at eighteen there were the first two hours of nursing school. But I wanted to follow the "winds" of the marching band and was told I couldn't do both. So for two years I wanted to be a lawyer. It fit the band schedule!
Finally I thought I could give nursing one more try. Over the course of years to follow I wanted to work with children, adults, special needs, clinics, ambulance, school and daycare. It is clear that I could follow the winds of work, at times two or three jobs at a time. Always wanting to be whatever I was at the moment. Keeping up?
As I matured I wanted to go to school again, and again, and well, again! Always taking steps to be the next something or other. I even went to India and I knew I would go back forever.
But then I learned I wanted to be married! Who knew? But it was clear marriage was the life for me. Then there was motherhood. Several tries later and Ta Da I was a mother. A wife and a mother was it. However I needed to take charge and become a parent to my parents. That's what I want to do, caring for them in the way they cared for me! So I am a wife, mother, caretaker and nurse. Phew!
This week as I sat and enjoyed the absolute joy with which my son enjoyed his birthday I decided I wanted to be 15! That looked like the best time ever. So for now I will be a wife, mother, nurse, caretaker and Teenager. I will play more, have fun with bubbles and sing loudly to the best kid tunes. I will be 15!
"So I commend the enjoyment of life, because nothing is better for a man under the sun than to eat and drink and be glad. Then joy will accompany him in his work all the days of the life God has given him under the sun. "Ecclesiastes 8:15
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