-110 and Counting

So at some point you have that life changing "ah ha!".... followed by a plethora of thought, questions and decisions. I could be talking about laundry soap or brands of sandwich meat, but no. I am talking about baggage. Physical baggage. I have spent my life, since the age of 9 dealing with it. And it has always defeated me.
It has been interesting as I recall all of the ??? support I have received. You know the kind, they state the obvious yet lack compassion as they remind you that they are there for you. They talk nicely ".... to...." you but stand in the other room critiquing and criticising you. They are without empathy. They are actually clueless to this struggle. It is foreign to them.
That is okay mind you, as we all have something we are at war with. A battle that requires complete and intentional focus to "divide and concur. It may take days or decades, but even when it is overcome, it will take a lifetime of commitment and attention to stay triumphant.
So here it is, my dirty laundry aired for the world to see. OK, they have already seen it but most have not walked too far in my shoes. Well, I have changed shoes. I am running now, focused on the prize. And it is indeed within reach. Can't believe it myself. I have wanted to find a way to successfully "change my ways" and I have. I have found a way to stay on target and not feel deprived or as if I am being disciplined. I have changed....many things. For example:

1. My clothes. About every 4 weeks. A size smaller. I am down to keeping about 5 shirts and pants in my current size and one of each in the next size smaller. Everything else, gone!
2. My food. I have learned what to keep for meals, and I have it everywhere. No more excuses. I can not blame mom if my celery runs out. All me!
3. My lifestyle. I have turned over a new leaf or at least a rock or two. Time to move, change all the behavior. I am training for a half marathon which I am signed up for in November. Yikes! I can run a blender, but a race? This will indeed be a great adventure.
4. My mind. I haven't lost it, though some may disagree. But I am taking thoughts captive, recognizing that for me, this is going to be my life's work, so to speak. I will have to make friends with the changes and also admit that I am not losing a kidney, but cake. Not too bad when I think of it this way.

If you see me digress, please say so. If you have a hard time understanding this struggle, think about what you fight in your life. It is just the same only not chocolate. And if it helps, I know what you are going through, even if I don't have exactly the same battle. I have the same desire, goal and tools available to get to the finish line. And together we can stay stronger, just like Aaron and Hur were there for Moses. One will hold up the arm of the other if they are weak or tired. I will be there for you!


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