I am always amazed how much time can whiz by when I have a laundry list of things to do, and yet it can drag painfully slow when I have things like meetings........work.........colonoscopys. You know, you want that extra leisurely Saturday and bam, you have a teenager with 7 events and a hang nail that well, will just have to wait. But it is all good! We say that often, and we nearly always mean it. We are blessed in many ways. So the run down of the past couple of weeks looks like this.
1. Seattle
Great trip. Fast, but lovely. Aunt Cathy is 90 in September and still as sharp as ever. Great visit and we got to go sight seeing on Monday. Cody had a blast. As you can see Cathy is tiny so Cody had to be gentle! He did a great job.
On the plane! |
At the Locks. |
At the Gardens - the Pacific bay. |
Things are looking up!! |
Aunt Cathy and Cody |
2. The birthday came next. Nice quiet evening at home. Dinner and cake. Gifts and cards. Perfect. Who could ask for anything more......Ah, that would be Cody. " It's my birthday mom. I want lots of friends and a party." "No dear", I explained, "too late to plan a party. You are too old, and it is a school night, and I thought you didn't like parties!"...."But I do!" "Next year. Sorry son."......so I contacted a couple of his school friends that he is very close to. Okay 8 school friends he is very close to. And we had a surprise party at the bowling alley. Do this!! Even if you have to mortgage something. No mess, no cleaning, solid entertainment in a reasonably confined space. Unlimited pizza and soda. Perfect. He thought this was the best ever. And I am so glad his friends could come. Sugared them up and then sent them home! Good times. And if that was not enough in the morning, the 5 and Diner, where we have had breakfast for 16 years every Saturday for more than 10 of those, they decorated and sang to him when he arrived. Now that is celebrity status. He is one awesome young man.
For me? That is so nice! |
Our favorites: Carol, Rhonda and Bill! |
The Gang and a few brothers and sisters to boot! |
The "Dinner Party" |
That is one BIG wish! |
Thanks Grandma and Art!
3. School. Yup it is in full gear and going great. He is the first special ed student to be on the yearbook. Yearbook is a five day a week class for a semester. It is a new thing for us all but the teacher and kids are great. He loves it. He has already taken a few photos. And they took some of him and some of his team. AND then we went to the Diamondback Baseball game thanks to Best Buddies. Great time. 5 families from our group went. Serious amounts of popcorn were eaten!
Well, there you have it. You are now as caught up to my life as I am. The rest of the family is grand. Brother Rob is turning
50!!! Been there, done that! Their #3 has flown the coop. Time to turn that room into a mom cave! Jan and Art are still basking in the cool northern temperatures. My cousin, Kirsten, FAMOUS. Written her second article for Relevant. Check her out
Neither of my parents have broken anything new this week. Awesome!! My siblings are both still upright and doing well. Which is great considering how old they are. :-) Rich has the football mojo going and I have all the laundry done. Over all I would say this is a dandy start to a new week.
Let this be a great week. As I told my nephew who is dying in his first of many medical classes, keep your eye on the prize. Do not let the small things or momentary struggles keep you from achieving your goals. You can do anything if you CHOOSE to! Don't you feel motivated now? Make it count.
Jude 24-25
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