53 days give or take......

Time zone is everything you know. It could be today, tomorrow or yesterday depending on where you live right? So you may right now be going to bed, the sky is dark, the coffee is off. Or you could be having lunch, drinking your fifth cup of coffee thinking how you wish you could get some sleep. Tomorrow.......this will be me:-)

So that time zone thing it fits into the story of Dale. You see his father was a storm chaser in the Air Force for one of his assignments. This required flying off one of the tiniest airstrips in the world at a moments notice. At that time, the island was inhabited by military men, locals, lizards and roaches. This is what I have been told anyway. Only a handful of cars and mopeds. Mother described seeing the ceiling move whenever the lights were off. And I am told somewhere there is a terrified lizard who tried to eat my sister, but that is another story. Back to Dale.

He would start his days in Bermuda, a British territory. This could explain his accent. And of course being British it would only be a matter of time before he would beg for haggis and room temperature fluids. Well okay, he eats gizzards, turtles and green beer but you know, same thing.  Despite our strong family lineage, I still can not adapt to English cooking. I relate to the Cranes as they talk about Daphne's cooking. And if you have no idea who they are you need a tv.


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