So lets consider a few of these just to challenge or entertain you. That lottery ticket for example. You have probably been in line behind someone 'shopping' for their tickets. "Oh please, just pick one!" you have said, if not out loud in your head. I am sure it could be heard as it leaked out your glaring eyes. BUT what if that was you and your $5 and you were desperately trying to win so you could pay some bills, buy a house big enough for the ten kids or even retire? What if it was you who scratched off those magic silver spots to see the winning wheelie dealies or numbers? Would that be OK then? Would it make it a little easier to be patient thinking that it could be you? Perhaps then a little delay in line is not the worst thing.
That fall off the curb, OY! I have done that any number of times. The best story however is my best, a 'sympathy' fall, that's right SYMPATHY. Well some grace, natural clumsiness, massive distraction but sympathy was in there somewhere. You see I was trying to impress my new employee with a tour of the campus and some entertaining conversation while running some errands. As we walked between buildings on this cute little curved sidewalk, I was telling her my thoughts about people who take twenty minutes to pick their lottery tickets while at the counter. I noticed two ladies walking up a straight sidewalk when suddenly the one tripped and headed for ground. As if by entering some strange 'black hole' I stepped OFF the sidewalk, falling forward and back onto the edge of that cute little curved sidewalk. Bad sidewalk, BAD! As I turned my head to the right I could see the 1st sidewalk victim stand, dust her ego off and continue her walk into the building. I on the other hand did not fair so well. I stood, realizing I left a perfectly good pair of lip prints on the pavement and in taking that next step apparently had left a knee imprint as well. Over the next several minutes of trying to 'be cool' I became so impaired by pain and teary laughter that I had to go to occupational health. You guessed it, broke that knee cap I did. And no they did not figure that out at Occupational health, silly you. It would be many many days before I would see a real doctor, get a real xray and plan for surgery. I would not have seen the fall and recovery which led to my ultimate demise had I not been delayed at the store. Yup, and had I been paying attention, I would have stopped walking (normal people would do that), assisting the lady who fell and gotten on with my business. But I was more engrossed in my own delightful thoughts and conversation to notice what was going on around me.
And while we are at it, car accidents. Have you driven by a terrible accident, cars all mangled, ambulances everywhere, cell phones competing for airwaves? A minute earlier and that could have been you! You were spared, have you ever recognized that? That lady that drove you nuts in the store taking an extra five minutes to pick her lottery tickets delayed you so you missed the distracted teen who ran the red light and caused the accident. It could have been you! Suddenly now you want to go find the lady who made you stand in line and ask her to forgive you for your mean thoughts.
When we focus on our own world, thoughts, needs, issues, we totally miss the world around us. We miss the Hand that pushes forward or pulls us back at different points of each and every day. We are oblivious to the steps we take and the zillion missed opportunities because we are only worried about ourselves. I have heard people say it, usually joking, that it's 'All about Me'. Truth is, it is not at all about me. It is so much bigger than me. I am the speck in the big painting of life. I have no real idea what significance my life will have in the final portrait or the impact I will have in the lives around me. But what I am certain of is that if I do not pay attention, if I am not aware of the world around me, I am going to miss what matters most. I am going to miss opportunity. I am going to miss giving or receiving blessing. I must be intentional, eyes focused on that world around me, on the matters at hand.
What is it that you are overlooking? Who is it that needs your attention? What opportunities do you have to make a difference in the lives of those you pass by? Start now. When you see the tear in your nylon or the massive pimple on your nose, remind yourself, you are in Mighty Hands. Change your gaze. Look out, around or up! Make the most of every moment and be aware!!
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