PART 1: Like Sands thru the Hourglass........
...................these are the days of our lives!
The whirlwind of celebrations and change is unmatched. Our one and only wonderful son (Yes, I am ridiculously biased) went to senior prom, graduated with robust enthusiasm and had a party that was so organic it would be impossible to recreate. So now is where I will begin the entire story. Those of you who are interested get your coffee, tissue and sigh deeply at all the appropriate spots. Those of you who aren't sure, well, you should endure to be polite. And so if I ask you what you thought you wont have to try to fake it.
So a senior that has blossomed into a man, his words not mine. He will always be my baby, to which he says "Don't be silly mom, I'm a man!" Here it is.......
School - It is an incredible program. Not that I expected it to be or believed it would be. I was NOT happy about high school, large schools, buses, 2000 students. Not safe, Not safe Not safe! I was THAT mother, parked across the street for hours, binoculars on, Excedrin and coffee in the car to keep me sharp, awake, READY should my assistance or super hero mom rescue skills be needed. I am, afterall, only one degree away from a Power Ranger. LOL The many elements to this community vision have been promoted, fought for and set into place over the course of years. Campaigns for acceptance, Spread the Word to End the Word, Cougar Camp and so much more are evident throughout the school year. Cody was able to be a part of one of those events in his sophomore year.
Cody Gates reads Its Okay to be Different
And it was perfection for the students this year. The principals, teachers, support staff and student body have emulated a very accepting culture that does not tolerate cruelty, bullying, discrimination. Students care for each other, protect each other, high five and knuckle pump as they pass in the hall. In the course of the four years they have achieved a solid Best Buddy Program, Unified Sports Program and recognition for sports so the athletes can earn the school Letter. Dr. Tim Shriver even paid a visit. So much energy. The Adaptive dance kids were even included in the homecoming festivities dancing at halftime.
Track - I have always said that he is not prone to movement. And that he is the definition of Terra fer ma. So the race is set to begin, the gun fires (yes a loud gun with folks who have sensory issues) and they are off. Well, they start! And it is at the 20 meter mark that the competition enters his peripheral vision. I am thinking to myself, blinders could help, but no! He stops dead in stride. He is done. if he cant be first (in FRONT) he wont 'BE'! Over the next 30 meters or so two coaches, three peer buddies and an assortment of team mates attempted to coax him forward. It took an enormous red bird, yes THE RED Bird from AZ Cardinals to get him moving. He took his hand and ran not only across the finish line but continued on for another 200 meters. Hmmm Well, he had fun, right? And he did it HIS way, as he did the standing long jump. Yes, standing.......or running hopping jump. Run from the start line, into the sand until you get to the spot you like then 'hop' to stick your landing....and throw yourself forward to imply effort. LOL It is all about having fun right?!
Arizona Athletes to Compete in 2014 Special Olympics
Cheer - He has always loved strings, pom poms, streamers. So when he said he was doing cheer I honestly was hoping that he was not going to come home with pom poms or a skirt or a hair bow. I know, I could not envision a 'manly cheer'. It is actually a natural talent for this kid. He is the essence of joy, kindness, compassion, enthusiasm and encouragement. It sounds over the top, but his gift is building others whether in word or deed. He will lift you up, remember your name, give you a hug. He values others as friends for life. I was amazed and PROUD. He not only looked fantastic, but was wonderful! He GETS cheer, it is similar to dance which he loves and he did awesome. It was VERY manly indeed. They won Gold and Silver. I wanted to go straight to a game just to hear him do more. MAYBE I can get him on the squad for Cardinals or Coyotes or United. LOL!

Prom - OK, get the tissue out! Ashley had a plan in place and with the assistance of the Unified class, they set out to help Cody solve the mystery! He played games to win clues, then with everyone watching his beautiful date asked him to the prom. So exciting. It was MY dream come true. When you have a special needs child, or even a typical child who just doesn't quite fit the mold of 'in' to see them embraced by a large group of peers is such an amazing experience. The video of the challenge and her popping the question was put together and set to music. The local news picked it up and then the national media ran a story. ROCK STARS! I played chauffeur taking Cody to pick up his date, go to a photo shoot with some of the other students, put to special dinner then to the dance. I was sent away! No need to come back "I got this" she assured me. She did! One of the chaperone's sent footage of him 'dancing the night away'! I picked them up at midnight and took them home. He looked at me after and said "that is the best night I ever had mom!" I felt exactly the same!!!!
Ashley asks Cody to Prom
Project Unify at Kellis High School Shines
Student with Disabilities gets Awesome Prom Proposal
Prom 2 - YES, TWO proms. The City of Peoria Adaptive rec had a prom the following weekend. His date took him to that one too. It was of course much smaller, quieter, but the kids there had all grown up together for the most part. It was when we had them all up on the stage getting pictures in the balloons it hit me. He is grown up! Oh I know I should have figured it out from all the man hair but it was seeing him with this group of grown children (fine, adults) that I sobbed. And I do mean, needed tissue, boo hoo, I am so proud/sad/old kind of cry. It was a great night once we got back to dancing and of course this time I got to be there too!

Awards - Both before and right after graduation there were awards and recognition for accomplishments. He put on his suit and tie which of course forced me to learn (find the picture guide online) to tie a tie. Without a smart phone it would have been a clip on, that is all I have to say. He even helped emcee the Unified Sports Athlete awards. It lasted about 100 hours but it was great for these kids to get to celebrate themselves and their peers. At the end we were able to hear some of the students share what this program has meant to them, how it will impact them. Very encouraging to see the impact of these relationships is definitely bilateral. And I would say it is triangular when you throw the parents in.....hmmmmm and siblings, and teachers. Wow, it may be a trapezoid but we would need to check with Mr. E. Anyway, MANY people are reached through this program, compelled to change their ways and become to the lost the friend in need, the buddy at the game or movie, or even the friend who just hangs out.

Graduation - GRADUATION! He DID it! We sat on the main deck in a box area to accommodate wheelchairs, canes and ease. We had a great view, just not close up. Many of his lifelong friends and classmates were graduating too. Alex, Maybeth, Xena, Kevin, Andrew, Kevin, Lucia, Sarah and so many more. From peanuts to people there they were all dressed in blue or gold, tassels on, proper and anxiously waiting their turn to cross that stage. And we could not hear quite as much as we were able to in the video. You see there must have been a good close mic on the stage. So when names were called you could hear STUDENT responses. So in the tape those mics were hot. So when graduation was happening, I was crying, cheering, you know, the usual but when we were able to listen and watch the tape, and hear his excitement, and see him close up, I was crying and cheering even more!
Raymond S Kellis Graduation 2014

The whirlwind of celebrations and change is unmatched. Our one and only wonderful son (Yes, I am ridiculously biased) went to senior prom, graduated with robust enthusiasm and had a party that was so organic it would be impossible to recreate. So now is where I will begin the entire story. Those of you who are interested get your coffee, tissue and sigh deeply at all the appropriate spots. Those of you who aren't sure, well, you should endure to be polite. And so if I ask you what you thought you wont have to try to fake it.
So a senior that has blossomed into a man, his words not mine. He will always be my baby, to which he says "Don't be silly mom, I'm a man!" Here it is.......
School - It is an incredible program. Not that I expected it to be or believed it would be. I was NOT happy about high school, large schools, buses, 2000 students. Not safe, Not safe Not safe! I was THAT mother, parked across the street for hours, binoculars on, Excedrin and coffee in the car to keep me sharp, awake, READY should my assistance or super hero mom rescue skills be needed. I am, afterall, only one degree away from a Power Ranger. LOL The many elements to this community vision have been promoted, fought for and set into place over the course of years. Campaigns for acceptance, Spread the Word to End the Word, Cougar Camp and so much more are evident throughout the school year. Cody was able to be a part of one of those events in his sophomore year.
Cody Gates reads Its Okay to be Different
And it was perfection for the students this year. The principals, teachers, support staff and student body have emulated a very accepting culture that does not tolerate cruelty, bullying, discrimination. Students care for each other, protect each other, high five and knuckle pump as they pass in the hall. In the course of the four years they have achieved a solid Best Buddy Program, Unified Sports Program and recognition for sports so the athletes can earn the school Letter. Dr. Tim Shriver even paid a visit. So much energy. The Adaptive dance kids were even included in the homecoming festivities dancing at halftime.
Track - I have always said that he is not prone to movement. And that he is the definition of Terra fer ma. So the race is set to begin, the gun fires (yes a loud gun with folks who have sensory issues) and they are off. Well, they start! And it is at the 20 meter mark that the competition enters his peripheral vision. I am thinking to myself, blinders could help, but no! He stops dead in stride. He is done. if he cant be first (in FRONT) he wont 'BE'! Over the next 30 meters or so two coaches, three peer buddies and an assortment of team mates attempted to coax him forward. It took an enormous red bird, yes THE RED Bird from AZ Cardinals to get him moving. He took his hand and ran not only across the finish line but continued on for another 200 meters. Hmmm Well, he had fun, right? And he did it HIS way, as he did the standing long jump. Yes, standing.......or running hopping jump. Run from the start line, into the sand until you get to the spot you like then 'hop' to stick your landing....and throw yourself forward to imply effort. LOL It is all about having fun right?!
Arizona Athletes to Compete in 2014 Special Olympics
Cheer - He has always loved strings, pom poms, streamers. So when he said he was doing cheer I honestly was hoping that he was not going to come home with pom poms or a skirt or a hair bow. I know, I could not envision a 'manly cheer'. It is actually a natural talent for this kid. He is the essence of joy, kindness, compassion, enthusiasm and encouragement. It sounds over the top, but his gift is building others whether in word or deed. He will lift you up, remember your name, give you a hug. He values others as friends for life. I was amazed and PROUD. He not only looked fantastic, but was wonderful! He GETS cheer, it is similar to dance which he loves and he did awesome. It was VERY manly indeed. They won Gold and Silver. I wanted to go straight to a game just to hear him do more. MAYBE I can get him on the squad for Cardinals or Coyotes or United. LOL!
Prom - OK, get the tissue out! Ashley had a plan in place and with the assistance of the Unified class, they set out to help Cody solve the mystery! He played games to win clues, then with everyone watching his beautiful date asked him to the prom. So exciting. It was MY dream come true. When you have a special needs child, or even a typical child who just doesn't quite fit the mold of 'in' to see them embraced by a large group of peers is such an amazing experience. The video of the challenge and her popping the question was put together and set to music. The local news picked it up and then the national media ran a story. ROCK STARS! I played chauffeur taking Cody to pick up his date, go to a photo shoot with some of the other students, put to special dinner then to the dance. I was sent away! No need to come back "I got this" she assured me. She did! One of the chaperone's sent footage of him 'dancing the night away'! I picked them up at midnight and took them home. He looked at me after and said "that is the best night I ever had mom!" I felt exactly the same!!!!
Ashley asks Cody to Prom
Project Unify at Kellis High School Shines
Student with Disabilities gets Awesome Prom Proposal
Prom 2 - YES, TWO proms. The City of Peoria Adaptive rec had a prom the following weekend. His date took him to that one too. It was of course much smaller, quieter, but the kids there had all grown up together for the most part. It was when we had them all up on the stage getting pictures in the balloons it hit me. He is grown up! Oh I know I should have figured it out from all the man hair but it was seeing him with this group of grown children (fine, adults) that I sobbed. And I do mean, needed tissue, boo hoo, I am so proud/sad/old kind of cry. It was a great night once we got back to dancing and of course this time I got to be there too!
Awards - Both before and right after graduation there were awards and recognition for accomplishments. He put on his suit and tie which of course forced me to learn (find the picture guide online) to tie a tie. Without a smart phone it would have been a clip on, that is all I have to say. He even helped emcee the Unified Sports Athlete awards. It lasted about 100 hours but it was great for these kids to get to celebrate themselves and their peers. At the end we were able to hear some of the students share what this program has meant to them, how it will impact them. Very encouraging to see the impact of these relationships is definitely bilateral. And I would say it is triangular when you throw the parents in.....hmmmmm and siblings, and teachers. Wow, it may be a trapezoid but we would need to check with Mr. E. Anyway, MANY people are reached through this program, compelled to change their ways and become to the lost the friend in need, the buddy at the game or movie, or even the friend who just hangs out.
Graduation - GRADUATION! He DID it! We sat on the main deck in a box area to accommodate wheelchairs, canes and ease. We had a great view, just not close up. Many of his lifelong friends and classmates were graduating too. Alex, Maybeth, Xena, Kevin, Andrew, Kevin, Lucia, Sarah and so many more. From peanuts to people there they were all dressed in blue or gold, tassels on, proper and anxiously waiting their turn to cross that stage. And we could not hear quite as much as we were able to in the video. You see there must have been a good close mic on the stage. So when names were called you could hear STUDENT responses. So in the tape those mics were hot. So when graduation was happening, I was crying, cheering, you know, the usual but when we were able to listen and watch the tape, and hear his excitement, and see him close up, I was crying and cheering even more!
Raymond S Kellis Graduation 2014
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