Happy New Year
2015 is here and I am so grateful for the last few months. I would like to say I feel the winds changing........but I have learned that the breeze doesn't matter.
The loss of both parents has been more present over time for all of us I think When you are in the midst of 'living' you really take so many things for granted. It can be a simple thought that causes you to utter the words 'I should call......' Or seeing something that reminds you of them but then you are again aware they are gone. I miss them. They were always there, interested, supportive, constant approval. We never had cause to doubt we were their pride and joy. Every card or call we get confirms that when they we see or visit the folks they received an update and were shown pictures. I have nothing but happy thoughts. OK a couple crazy ones but I have put them in the dark. Lol! We were a very Leave it to Beaver or Brady Bunch family. Grateful.
Health is another thing you can't live 'well' without. I have spent the last few years with problems, the worst of which really came to a head Fathers Day 2013. A zillion tests, seriously I am certain I am fully radioactive, and crackin through as many bad or disinterested doctors I came to an orthopedist and a neurologist who listened. They each got to name some problems and so that must have been a good success for them and I have names for my problems which means I am not crazy. For those who disagree, a neurologist said so:-) I have autonomic polyneuropathy and POTS. My automatic functions don't do it well and my nerves send incorrect messages, such as to my feet and legs which to me 'feel' like I am standing on a frozen lake all the time. To you they feel as if they need a wax but lets not go there. POTS is not about cooking but a change in attitudes. Every time I bend over or stand up my heart runs a marathon. I was thinking I was glad some part of me can run but it is actually not good as it sucks up oxygen and wears me out. I learned that apparently oxygen is everything it is cracked up to be and I need medication. By keeping my heart rate regular I am no longer falling asleep during phone meetings.....I mean at the computer.....while others are talking....well you understand. And I no longer am constantly laying my head down and complaining of feeling as if I am going into a coma. As a side note, should I say "I feel like I am going into a coma!" Remind me to take my meds. Haha
As for the bones, found the broken hips. Well actually a pelvis fracture on the right and a hip fracture on the left and severe degenerative disease to the pelvis and spine. Over the course of a few months the right hip became very bad thus the total hip replacement. I am walking without cane or walker and no pain to the right hip. Yeah! Now we wait to see what and when other things will need replacement but I have not moved this well for a long time. Since I am the baby of the family it is imperative that I move better than my elders.....So very grateful.

Cody is a delight every moment. I can not get enough of this kid with a major personality. He is happy, positive, kind, quick to forgive and almost never angry. He is the first and last to pray with deep intercession that leads me to think he is Pentacostal and I call him Preacher. But for those of you reading he has probably prayed for you by name on any number of occasions. He has the gift of both excellent memory and stamina. He loves his training program and we are becoming accustomed to it. The folks are very nice and it seems well run. But it is not high school, you can't go back. Sigh. He is enjoying karate, dance, basketball, science, creative writing, reading, art, photography and socializing with new friends. He is even on the dance team who did their first performance at the ASU bball half time. They were so well received they have been asked back. Yeah!!! He seems very happy. In addition to his training program he is practicing to take his first exam for the Royal Ballet Academy of London. should he pass, he a tually earns college credit. and he keeps in contact with all his high school and ballet friends. So very blessed.
Rich continues his journey at Calvary Community Church as manager for maintenance. He has used all of his journeyman skills there from carpentry, construction, repair, organization, leadership and leg pulling to train conductor. 'All aboard!' He enjoys the people a lot. Of course he spends time perfecting his master craft....golf! He remains a scratch golfer and his worst day on the course may be 3 over par. I know I have told him to be quiet any number of times! Continued blessings.

We are now also enjoying a new baby girl. Okay well she's not a baby really, though she is our brother and sister-in-laws baby .....of sorts. Ok she's 26 but 'cute as a button' according to Master Gates and he likes her so very much! Ahhhh he loves having his cousin to hang out with and so do we. We have seen her make a major life move to a BIG city, Phoenix, get a new job, new car, new apartment and new everything inside. And church and friends. Lots of new friends. She is almost as busy as me but I still got her whipped. And she was a lovely addition to the holidays along with our Grandma and Grandpa Art. Cody so enjoyed it all as did we.
We finished off the year with our annual "Silly String" Caper. Two years in a row we got Master Gates, but this year he planned and pulled off the perfect surprise. Awesome!
Not bad for a messed up 50 something year old who works full time, has Master Gates for a major busy son and a cute husband to live with. It is likely due to the fact that I don't sleep. Complete waste of time, or takes too much time or I just really don't have the time. Well you understand. So there it is 'The Story of My Life' .........I know I am a whole year behind popular but then I never was that popular. I am a throwback from the 70's. What can I say.
Hello Judy. So good to know you through your profile on the blogger. I am blessed to know you as a Christ follower and a Nurse. I am in the Pastoral ministry for last 35yrs in the great city of Mumbai, India a city with great contrast where richest of rich and the poorest of poor live. We reach out to the poorest of poor with the love of Christ to bring healing to the broken hearted. We also encouage young people as well as adults from the West to come to Mumbai on a short / long term missions tirip to work with us in the slums of Mumbai during their vacation time. We would love to have you come to Mumbai with your grown up children to work with us in the slums of MUMBAI binging physical as well as spiritual healing to the diseased affected people. My eamil id is: dhwankhede(at)gmail(dot)com and my name is Diwakar Wankhede. Looking forward to hear from you very soon. God's richest blessings on you.
ReplyDeleteHello Judy. So good to know you through your profile on the blogger. I am blessed to know you as a Christ follower and a Nurse. I am in the Pastoral ministry for last 35yrs in the great city of Mumbai, India a city with great contrast where richest of rich and the poorest of poor live. We reach out to the poorest of poor with the love of Christ to bring healing to the broken hearted. We also encouage young people as well as adults from the West to come to Mumbai on a short / long term missions tirip to work with us in the slums of Mumbai during their vacation time. We would love to have you come to Mumbai with your grown up children to work with us in the slums of MUMBAI binging physical as well as spiritual healing to the diseased affected people. My eamil id is: dhwankhede(at)gmail(dot)com and my name is Diwakar Wankhede. Looking forward to hear from you very soon. God's richest blessings on you.