Sakes Alive I'm 55!

Well isn't that something. And when I finally reach the double digit I am pleased to say I am no longer the speed limit. I am genuinely in the middle. Not city and not freeway, but just cruisin' in the middle. Cool.

I have had a very refreshing time this year as I celebrate my birthday. Here are some of the things I have enjoyed:

My hip is one year old and rotating without a hitch. That's right no hitch in my right giddy up. Sweet.
My beta blockers are helping me keep oxygen to the brain so that I have intelligent thoughts which I express freely. Hey, I heard you snicker!
I can do hot yoga. Who knew! And my yoga boy is having a blast too.
I now sleep at least two nights a week whether I need it or not, and sometimes when I'm talking but usually not while driving. This sentence should still alarm someone but hey, lets not focus on a little blip in wellness.
I am no longer rarely bothered by the fact that my legs and feet feel like they are freezing.
I am NOT my diagnosis and choose not to speak about it. It does not deserve that much energy.
I am able to purge.......the house. I realize that I will not have an 'episode' if I give away a parental treasure or take down a drawing by my son. I do believe there is a statute of limitations however so until that passes I may have to re-evaluate, or seek professional help.
I have true friends. They have weathered the storm of caring for my parents, my health crisis, my hip surgery and my recovery. They have stayed with me through thick and thin, late nights and ice cream and coffee. Priceless!
I have a wonderful family. Encouragement, humor, commitment, love and coffee. Amazing in every way. Who knew I would win the lottery in this way.

I really feel ready for the next decade or three. I have this fresh wind and it has given me courage and determination to continue to improve body, mind and spirit. I have renewed energy to write letters, finish decades old projects and organize space. I am even enjoying walking! Sitting remains my least favorite thing but then that's not completely bad, unless you are eating and then it can really be a challenge. Just have to find that perfect chair. Hopefully I won't have to buy too many before I get the BINGO.

So 55 looks much better than 50 or 52 or 54. I feel like there is some light in the room and joy in the heart. Those are good things. It is not always easy to journey in darkness as few are in rank with you.
I am fortunate to have very little stake on the things of this world, choosing to spend as much energy as possible finding the positive and enjoying the road in front of me. Thats where the focus needs to be, the next footstep. So here's to the next year. I am hoping it continues to  shine with healing and freedom from this life's momentary discomforts.


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