Ballet, Bowling and Best Friends

As always we are enjoying every second of this life we have been given. A trip to Seattle was most needed to see our dear friend Aunt Cathy. 95 this year and as kind and joyful as always. She is in a fantastic retirement community in Redmond, Washington. We enjoyed visits and a trip to Pikes Place Fishmarket. We didn't get to see them throw fish but the fish we saw had a look about them, their eyes glaring at you. I enjoyed Land Shark thank you very much. Cody remarked many times that it was a good trip but 'it is so very cold here!' Indeed!!!

Upon return Cody took his 3rd ballet exam through the Royal Academy of Dance (RAD) and he was so excited. He takes the typical test given to all aspiring ballet dancers going through their training. He is the first differently abled young man to do so for the 3rd year. We are so proud. He loves to dance for fun and has gotten to teach a few classes. He thinks that is great!

Bowling and football happened with Special Olympics before our trip. A 4th place for Bowling with One Step Beyond and a GOLD with City of Peoria Flag Football team. Great times with our extended forever family of friends. He was so proud of himself and he really did enjoy spending time with his teams.

We are always so happy for calls, visits, letters (paper, pens, stamps), FaceTime, text messages, pictures, visits. So thank you all for keeping my phone at max capacity. Love it!!! And of course we laugh a lot at our house. We never know quite what our creative young man will do next. You open his door to find a robot, cowboy, dinosaur, radio, DJ, mariachi, drummer, well you get it.

Of course friends and extended family are always the big focus for Cody. Picnics, movies, parties and yogurt seem to be involved in most activities. And they love to laugh, dance, joke and celebrate every event together through the year. We seem to have get togethers at least once month or more. That is always so much fun. It is my happy place. There is a bond that is unique to those with like circumstances. It is good.

I am not even sure exactly how the time passes as it does. It is like lightening speed. I don't understand that actually, as when you get older you generally slow down but time speeds up. A question for God when I get to it. I will have many, but then again maybe not. I will arrive and likely forget all my worldly, earthly musings and frustrations. My eyes will be fixed on the bright, pure light and colors of glory that I can only dream about. Have you ever thought about it, what it is you think seeing heaven and the One who paid your admission is going to be like? Think about that for a minute. I listen often to people who say things like it will be a great party, swilling brew, meeting all the partiers, etc. That actually confuses me, even concerns me a bit.

I think it will be glorious, celebratory, real wine, singing, dancing. But I don't see drunkenness, debauchery, or foul things. I think it will be a different party all together than those of my youth. It is one I want to be at. I want to be made perfect, whole, the right size, good hair, no glasses, part of the celebration, my eyes fixed on the One who planned it. And He promised I will be there because I chose to follow Him. Really the basic tenet of the entire Bible. I didn't always understand that. Religion, peer pressure, misguided prophets, New Age, hippies, lyrics, movies, books and so much more tell a million different stories. Versions that are like Disney or Pixar movies, lots of colorful dots but little to no truth.

I have lots of people in my life who are led by shadows, half truths or complete lies. Things always sound so good when you are in the moment. But this life is speeding by, a flash, and in a blink of an eye it will be over. OK now, try it. Blink! Over! That is how fast it will end and we will forever be at that eternal celebration or we won't. And those who aren't, who have refused to follow, who have said no, that fate is not good. It is not a party, friends won't be swilling a brew or dancing. They will be crying out for relief, or eternally cursing the One who offered them everything and they still said no. It makes me so sad, genuinely heartache sad. I don't want anyone to make that choice or waste a minute.

You don't have to be afraid to say yes. It's easy, Cody did it! Essentially the question is do you trust Him? After all He did create the universe, trees, coffee, chocolate, you! You won't become weird, unless you already are. You won't miss anything, you won't be alone. I was worried it would mean I would be bored, have to wear a hood, or a dress, or give up good music. But no, none of that. I realized I had someone I could trust, to help me make the right decisions, something I really was bad at. And I still make mistakes. It may surprise some of you but I am NOT perfect.......yet. That will happen the day I arrive at my forever home. In the meantime I will continue to fail, annoy, mess up. But hopefully I will do it a little less each day.

Cody is excited for Heaven so he can see his grandparents, friends, cousins and to be able to see them without glasses. Oh and he is excited he won't have to deal with pimples. I am excited to wear a size 2 something I never wore I am fairly sure. Mostly I just want to sit at His feet and try to understand why He thought I was worth all that suffering, humiliation, cruelty, mocking and other horrors that led to His death. To think that Jesus cared enough, not just for 'all' of us but for 'each' of us, to die for us and pay for the many mistakes and horrible things we each have done. Most days I just can't wrap my head around that. That is better than the bestest of friends. But as I said before, I just need to follow. That is all. He has the rest.

I hope you have a beautiful day, whatever day it is you read this. We are grateful everyday for each of you. Its true. So for now I say so long. See you here, there or in the air!

Jude 24-25


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