In the Blink of an Eye

There is little more precious in life than .....LIFE! And in an instant it can be gone, snatched away in a blink of an eye. Where have I heard that before? I know I have seen life pass away for years in health care. Typically it is the elderly, terminally ill or critically injured. There is time to prepare,even if it is short, it is usually there in the hospital anyway.
But there are those times when we are unprepared, life is swept away as quickly is vapor in the wind. Gone! And as it happens we are forced to deal with a few things that are very critical to a full understanding of life:
We are vulnerable. We have no control over the day, but are only participants in it.
We are terminal. No matter what the cause, our earthly vessels are subject to "term limits"
We are distracted. We are so intrigued with the course of our desire that we forget to embrace the world (and people) all around us.
We are ungrateful. We forget to say thank you to God for each moment in time, every one a gift.
We are unspoken. We forget to tell others what we think of them, how very important they are to us and the fabric of our lives.
We are broken. Because we have lost a person of great value, whose presence can not be replaced.
We must never take a single life, a single day for granted. We must pay attention! We must always be ready. And because there is a Love that is Greater still;
We are hopeful. Because a way has been made and a promise given, there is confidence in our reunion.
We are comforted. He catches every tear and hears our every sorrow.
We are promised. We will join those who have met Him ahead of us, reunited at last with those we have missed and loved from afar.
While they are gone, in the blink of an eye, they are always in our hearts!
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