Dust Storm Due West |
So I am driving all over town. It is a high mileage day for me. Some days I drive 5 miles to work and 5 miles back. This particular day however I drove 186 miles. It was a lot of driving. Fortunately I don't mind. I can listen to my radio and enjoy healthy entertainment and unwinding between meetings. Things like Classic Radio Mysteries, The Comedy Channel or K-LOVE blasting with the sunroof wide open (and the heat on). Perfect! But I noticed a sight in the distance that at first looked like a plume of smoke rising from the west. As I drove toward it the plume became a funnel shape and then into a wall of pure, brown, Arizona, pollen impregnated DIRT. Awesome!! So it was windows up, vents off and sunroof closed. I am going in. All I needed was Indiana Jones to navigate. But as I passed through it I was gifted with some wonderful views. So I determined that even dirt can be beautiful .....from a certain point of view. Good times.
There is nothing quite like friends. And Cody is the most devoted friend. And a committed social butterfly. He knows everyone and everyone knows him. And you can be certain, you will be greeted and excused with equal enthusiasm. At the City of Peoria Art Show there were close to 100 people in a building designed for 40, MAX, many of them pubescent teens with such high energy they could have powered the energizer rabbit. High Voltage.
Art Show - City of Peoria |
Deby and Mark Springer visit from Kansas with the Parents |
When you meet some people you can enjoy their company but not really be impacted in a way that remains when they leave. Others you may meet only a few brief moments and yet feel like you are life long friends. The Springer's are such people. They are lovely, kind, interesting and genuinely fun. They come each year for a short visit and it is the visit we will talk about until they come back again. They feel like family. And whether they know it or not, they are grafted in. I could warn them but what is the fun in that. One family quirk at a time is likely all an adopted family member can take at a time. And it supports my theory that God has a tremendous sense of humor.
My two favorite men in the whole wide world! |
When I 'found' my husband I was so blessed. I thought God gave me the greatest gift. And He did. Then we had Cody and the gift was magnified. A husband who is honest, committed, wise, faithful and funny. A son who is a huge hug, sunshine in a box, silly, happy, kind and full of love. Well what else can I say. Blessed!!
Group Picture - Cody at the Center of it all! |
So it is rare we get to see our children in their natural environment, acting "natural". Sitting back silently and just watching, I saw this young man, who I still envision as a six year old (I know, I have issues) hangin' with his crowd. Teasing, laughing, at the center of the gang, doing things to make others laugh, being loved and hung on. He walked in to this huge event and left us! High fiving and hugging with a "Hey Dude" "What's Happening" "Nice Hair" He eventually completed his rounds and joined us at the table. We felt honored to get a minute of his time. Makes me a bit guilty about the days I wish I could have a minute to myself....I may not really be ready for that! Sigh.
Alexandra and Cody |
Then of course as the event progresses I see his friends huddle around HIM, embrace him, laugh with him. He has FRIENDS and they LOVE him. And he has FUN and can HANG with the crowd. He is NOT on the outside but in the CENTER of a great group of human beings. WOW! I am so proud he has developed so much confidence and enjoys being "in the hood!"
Isaiah, Cody and Jessica! Friends:-) |
It is amazing to see the circle of life if you will.. Friends who he has known in one place now at another. And they have each other to lean on. Good news, Cody loves to care for others EVEN when they don't need it or don't think they need it. He is very willing to tell them what to do anyway. And because they like Cody they might just do what he wants. And they know that in the end they still get to do what they had planned.
Logan, Paris, Carlee, Ms. Taylor, Cody, Lance and Diana at Harlem Globetrotters |
From one year to the next we add on to the roster of friends. We can say he is a magnet! He sticks to people and they seem to stick to him. I know that over the course of any day he is not alone. And I can guarantee you he is rarely quiet. Shhhh don't tell him I said that:-) He never forgets, never lets go. Friends!
Cody and a Trotter |
So you hold your hands like this and point your fingers like that and then smile, say cheese. Yes, he gave that tall Globetrotter all of those instructions prior to this picture. Trotter got it going on. good job:-) And in case you don't recognize that hand move, it is the Wiggles famous hand waggle. He has this down pat. The next NEW Wiggle could just as well take training from Cody. Wigglology 101.
Codys' Ms Caroline! We love her!! |
And I am quite certain that he loves GIRLS of many ages. He LOVES Ms Caroline. And having met her I get it. She is sweet, flowing, gentle, great accent, patient and beautiful. He is at home in her company, included in the conversation and activity. She has a great gift with special people. And her popularity is global as she gives of herself around the world teaching and encouraging children with special needs to BE, MOVE, BELIEVE, DANCE! Cody looks forward to the next great adventure: Nutcracker!! "I love to dance!"
And there you have it. This is the past 4 weeks. And there is more that happened in the last 4 weeks but these are some of the fun parts. Yippee! So what is missing? Well you will just have to wait and see.
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