Decisions Decisions
Sometimes life is not as we expect. Who am I kidding??? It is RARELY what we expect but quite often more than we could imagine. I have found that just when I think I have it figured out, the page is turned and I am back to square one. Ever been there? It is quite perplexing and well at times....exhausting. I watch those around me in times when the weight of the world is on their shoulders and the burden is great. They fight it, try and toss it off, refuse to deal with it, deny it exists, all while the great "globe" sits on their back, pressing them down. If they can not resolve the conflict, come to a firm decision, they eventually just give up.
Now, that could sound like a terrible defeat. It could sound like failure. Often however in their weakness they can have the greatest victory! That battle, that intense struggle, is just a diversion on the road to answers. It is a speed bump, if you will. They are forced to slow down, assess the damage and look for solutions. They no longer look within, but their focus is moved to the world around them. What help is near, what options are there, who is able to help? Because they can no longer move on their own they are forced to seek help, forced to look deeper.

So what do you do when you have a huge decision to make and no idea what to do, or when? Or perhaps you have part of the answers, but not ALL of them. You could just jump in and take what you get. That is often what people do either because they don't care or no longer have the energy or attention to give something. Can go either way. If it is good they say "we were right". If it is bad they tend to blame others for not telling them what to do. Hmmmm. They walk around sounding like Rocky.. "Don't Worry Bout' It!"
Others can analyze it to death. MANY people do this. They spend SOOO much energy on the problem they can not possibly see the answer even if it is sitting on the couch next to them or on the paper in their hand or in the voice on the phone. They could be reading the exact words they are asking to hear and not comprehend a single sentence. They have clouded their ability to receive the right answer, as they are unable to trust it, and will pull every detail apart.
Or in the best case, they are sitting still, silent, listening for direction. They are paying attention because they have come to the end of their own rope, no more ideas, no more fuss. They are open to hear the still small voice telling them exactly what and when to do whatever it is. They are immediately at peace as a result because they are no longer wrestling an enormous weight. It is fascinating to see people set free from all the cares in the world, especially those they should never have held on to from the beginning. They seem lighter, free, able to deal not only with the problems and cares in their life but the process needed to get past that bumpy road. No hesitation, no regrets.
So, what are you waiting for? Lay it down, whatever it is, stop over thinking it, stop searching for reasons to see it fail or trying to change the focus. Let go let God! Hey, I have heard that before....I think it makes perfect sense.
Happy Saturday Friends and Family! Proverbs 3:5
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