So if you  recall, I was ruminating about what is next in the big adventure that is life. I am here to tell you........not what I  planned. That great adventure that is every day, it has arrived and here is what I have 'new' since last we met on my blog.

Best Buddy potluck was a hit on the heels of Homecoming! Mom and Dad enjoyed their son being 16, cool and demonstrating his new found interest in break dancing......ok, I was alarmed and fairly certain we were going to the hospital for a fracture, but we (he) survived without event. He did dance well too. He has it going on. The girls love him, the boys make noises with him. What more can I guy ask for? Great food, great friends. We are so enjoying this time with our forever took us forever to get to know them and we will be bonded as friends forever.

I had a birthday. Wonderful day. Oh it did not start out with the appearance of wonderful, but it ended up being that way. You see I started off cranky as we woke up 7 minutes before the bus was to arrive. Now I am good and Cody can be, uh, motivated to move faster, but 7 minutes. I think not! SO I got us both dressed, lunch packed and breakfast to go made and had to take him to school. There I had to wait for the bus to catch up to us and then throw him .....let him out of the car so that I could speed along to work.  There I missed my therapy appointment and my traction. I was really looking forward to getting 'pulled apart' as Cody describes it. Thus I was on time to my first meeting. YEAH! And so the day was off to a grand start. A pot of a spilled pot of coffee, allowed me to clean my entire work space so that I could make a new pot of coffee. And by noon it was work as usual. When my husband asked how my day was going, I reflected that I had not harmed anyone so that was good! The day passed as usual from there with one notable exception. I had dozens of birthday emails, well wishes, jokes, cards, all contributing to a brighter disposition by days end. I actually was laughing at how agitated I had become over something so insignificant as being late as compared a real problem like work hunger. Perspective:-)

When I arrived home I had received flowers, a GREAT stampin gift set, and a handmade Book About Us by Master Cody Gates. Lovely. Oh and I did I mention an iPad!! WooHoo! Love it. I can only do like ten things so far but I am willing to learn. Apple store here I come. Cody makes everyday one to remember. Happy Birthday Mom!

SO the weekend continued to bring  more little celebrations and gifts. I am blessed beyond measure. I spent the weekend shopping, eating, churching, visiting. Good times. The bestest visit was that with old and very dear friends Benjamin and Magdalene Komanapolli. I will always hold these people in my heart. I had the privilege to meet them more than 20 years ago...ok 25 years ago, and stay with them in their home in India. I am so blessed when they come to town. Some of my dear friends joined us at Olive Garden for food and fellowship.

And the weekend came to an end. The big news from Cody was FALL BREAK.  He got to sleep in until 6:30 a.m. and go to UCP all day. LOVED IT. He runs the place or believes he could. And they all treat him pretty special. Great place

Then we arrived at today. Another birthday lunch with dear friend Kelly. We were brought together more than 20 years ago because of bandages. Who knew! Lots of fun. Then the phone rang. Found dad on the floor near but not his wheelchair and unable to move. Two hours later we are in the emergency department,  CT and xrays done and admitted for a fractured hip. He will have surgery tomorrow. Poor daddy. He would tell me it hurts one minute then ask what happened the next. He has the curse or blessing of a very short memory.....depends on which moment we are in which way that goes. Today we have the surgery complete, rod and pins. Now the real work begins!!

So I am preparing for bed and ready to wake up and declare "NEXT!" Let's see what tomorrow will bring as I got a pretty good idea where we ended up as of this point.


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