What's Next?
Every day is an adventure....essentially.....which should intrigue even the most remotely interested human. There are things we can do with little to no thought. And in the end it comes off without a hitch, well, most of the time. For those times when things DON'T go according to plan (assuming you had one) you are given really two options in life; roll with it or freak out. In my world, my little circle I find rolling with it to be the status quo. No matter what our parents do to us, we go with the flow.
That plan that didn't happen provides hours of fun. For example this could be a great wall ornament, maybe one of those tricky camera shots or it could be evidence of one of those times that, well, had little to no thought. I am just sayin! These, however, are My FAVORITE kind of moments. I would leave it personally, at least long enough to gain attention from the friends and neighbors, possible some free food.
That plan that didn't happen provides hours of fun. For example this could be a great wall ornament, maybe one of those tricky camera shots or it could be evidence of one of those times that, well, had little to no thought. I am just sayin! These, however, are My FAVORITE kind of moments. I would leave it personally, at least long enough to gain attention from the friends and neighbors, possible some free food.
Sometimes there is so little to do that doing nothing with whatever is in reach can yield the best entertainment. I mean it may start out as breakfast or light house cleaning, but what is the fun in that! So a little tape, streamers, marker, food and Voila! A stylish hat that most certainly would have made an I Love Lucy Episode or a wedding 'wish' where a ring should be. Who knew!
In the end I can honestly say I think there is a fine line between having fun and having a full blown breakdown. But on the bright side both can provide a much needed vacation from the insanity that is work, responsibility, pain, frustration, sadness, boredom, lack of craft supplies and the other things that so freely capture the waking moments of any day. I am always eager to catch a glimpse of those around me taking action to seize the day..............or at least the youngest brother, long enough to show the love!
In retrospect I see those moments in life I captured well and those that would have benefited from far less intensity. Intentional living.......... seeing each second as a chance to engage, improve, enjoy! It allows me to remain positive, hopeful and excited knowing that I am passing through, not a resident but a guest in the land of men. I know I am not perfect but I know I am perfected. Because of that I can wake up in the morning excited to see.....................What's Next? I will let you know!
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