Snow Days

SNOW! I love snow. The wonder of every child, and most adults though many won't admit it. I have lived in parts of the country where snow is your friend. It covers the ground long enough to collect it and throw a snowball then it melts away. It may just fall a flake at a time which in Virginia meant school was out immediately. We would be sent home before a single layer had fallen. Awesome. Then there are those parts of the country where snow is an enemy. It blocks roads, prevents animals from getting to shelter and traps people at work for days at a time. Me for instance. I spent 3 days cooking for a 400 bed hospital and staff with a skeleton crew and a hand full of nuns. 3 DAYS! I can tell you there was a lot of soup and sandwiches served because honestly, those dear nuns couldn't boil water.
Or the 2 1/2 days as the only licensed nurse to provide care to 420 residents at a state hospital for the mentally challenged. I did not sleep and no one died so clearly the protective hand of God was at work. It was 70 below with the wind chill factor at night for several days. Was I ever grateful for those dark, abandoned, underground tunnels left from the 50's that connected one building to another. These events did not dull my love of health care but added to it's intrigue. What other great adversity or challenge may come my way? Rather like an episode of Survivor.
And in Switzerland there are places the snow never melts requiring road crews to carve out roadways for cars to pass through the mountains. Walls of snow that at any moment could collapse and cover your vehicle with the tiniest sneeze. Imagine the possibilities.
But snow is an incredible anti-aging creation that is mysterious and wonderful all at the same time. I was visiting my parents in Kansas one winter with my son. My brother also joined us. The three of us went to our favorite park to play in the snow. Not thinking about it, this was my sons first exposure to real snow! He got out of the car and stood still, staring around the park as if looking for gold. I asked him "What is the matter son?" to which he replied "Mom, where are all the snowballs?" Then it hit me, and I laughed so hard I thought I would, well, you know. The only snow he had seen was on Barney and in every winter episode there is snow and a nice stack of snowballs. That is what he was looking for.....
Needless to say we adults proceeded to show him how to make snowballs and snowmen. We were laughing, and playing, and building a rather impressive snowman when we realized my son was nowhere near the festivities. He had settled into a swing and was just watching. Hmmmm We paused only momentarily and resumed our playtime.
I think there are many opportunities to play more and stress less. We hear it all the time but most of the world is too busy running to the next big event. I kind of like the impact of snow as it often forces you to slow down and enjoy the scenery since your car is stuck and you can't get wherever it was you thought you needed to go.
So today I am going to have a snow day, stay close to home, have some ice cream and enjoy the view. And if I forget what I am doing, I will watch Barney to remind me:)
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