
It is rare to hear of married couples lasting more than ten or fifteen years anymore. My parents are such a great example of Sticktuitiveness. 62 years. 62! I think of how many people I know that have married and since divorced. Not all relationships can be restored, but many don't try. I am not anywhere near 62 years old, but I have been around the block so I can tell you that an alarming 50+% of my peoples have not made it to the finish line. Whether it was one or both, the end was declared, the white flag tossed, the crayons divided.
Is it any wonder that we fail at so many of the other lesser commitments we make? Marriage is the most important so it would seem that losing weight or cleaning out the garage doesn't stand a chance. Right? I ponder this a lot. If a promise to a human can not be kept, is there any hope that we will leave the Ding Dong on the shelf? I say probably not. After all we are talking chocolate....And if we measure our integrity when dealing with people verses say, television, is there a noticeable difference in who wins, showing preference for family over football?
I am not saying that football is bad, but if it means dissing the spouse, kids or a friend in crisis, what are we saying is our choice for intentional living? I am truly committed to my spouse? Never miss Survivor? Always putting down the remote to read to my child? Driving to a friends at 2 in the morning to help in a time of need? When you read it or write it, the decision seems pretty simple, but I think application is the key. And if we are not faithful in the real things,God and people, why would we expect different outcomes in the New Years resolutions such as quitting soda pop or licking that 2 pack a day gum habit.
Sticktuitiveness. We all need some more superglue in our yes or no. When we say yes, let it be and if we nod no, let it be no. Don't be a flip flopper, like some politicians we know. Don't let your words say one thing and your actions say another. Even when you are not having fun, when it is hard or boring, stick with it. The outcome is always good, the reward is even better. And we can not do it just some of the time, as this is a daily effort. I said it, effort. Takes work, commitment and love to have a perfect outcome. So you should log off of the blog, turn off the TV and listen intently for 5 minutes to your spouse, friend or child as they tell you something important about them.
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