Utter Joy

Though we are often running in circles day and night, the best part is when we are together. My family brings me joy! I love being around them. I enjoy sitting back and watching people. One of my favorite places is at the mall. Families and best friends come out in flocks to seek the prize, the perfect gift. And around the holidays much can be observed in those endeavors.
The hand-holding, the giggles, the smiles and laughter as folks stroll in and out of stores adding bags to their load. People begin listing by mid-day. Or there are those that are tense, arguing about what gift, how much to spend or how much time it is taking to find the right purchase for each relative or friend. The holiday music seems to have no impact on their mood. These folks would not appreciate the Flash Concerts in the mall.
I ponder the motivation for each cluster of shoppers that pass by. What is it that has the world up in arms this one time a year? And are they this thoughtful the other 364 days of the year? Do they shop out of heart-felt affection or obligation? Do they resent the task or find utter joy in it? Would they give a friend a Starbucks gift card just because or only if they are required to?
I know that in a small way most people want to find a way to show how special a person is or how much they love them. They want to find a gift that will not be returned but enjoyed by the lucky recipient. Then there are those who may be purchasing out of guilt, trying to appease or restore a fractured tie. They may even consider re-gifting because they are not really that interested in putting forth that effort.
I think if I look at the example of God, His gift was for everyone, without variance in purpose and with equal measure. He gave everything, with full measure to anyone who would like to receive it. It is easy to give a gift to those you love, or have some fond feelings for and who return those feelings. But to give to those who hate you, or who are strangers to you? That is what Jesus' life was, a gift for all mankind, even those who persecuted Him, beat Him and abandoned Him on the cross. WOW!
Think about it, Manasseh (2 Kings 21-22, 2 Chronicles 33) was saved for only a short time before his death. He was the most evil ruler, but when he called out to God, He received the gift. He received the same reward as Billy Graham who has led the multitudes to the foot of the cross. Two very different lives, same gift!
What was the gift? Utter Joy! Eternal life, complete forgiveness, white and pure, able to stand before the throne without any shame, anger, hurt or guilt! How cool is that, to know that we will sit at the table of the Lord, walk on streets of gold, worship with the angels!!! If you need reassurance about this gift, read below;
Jude 24 To him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy— 25 to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen.
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