Whats in a manger?

What if Christ had not come? What if the promises from the God of the old testament stories not been fulfilled? What if we just woke up, and carried on with our usual day? What if that manger had never been filled?
I could imagine this season would have gone unnoticed. There would be no break from work, no special music to sing, no decorations, no happy sounds of jingle bells. We would watch the news and talk about the weather, what the kids might do for winter school break, who will play the super bowl. No special feast, no family gatherings, no turkey and dressing, no big deal.
And what would we say on a daily basis when troubles arise, when we need help or an answer? There would be no Jesus to intercede for us, no Jesus to hear our cries, no Jesus to comfort us, no Jesus to take our hand and lead us. There would be no payment for sin, no way to open the heavenly gates and no promise of eternity.
But fortunately that is not the way the story goes. You see, the promises did come true, a baby was born, a baby did sleep in that stinky manger and a way was provided for us to find hope, find forgiveness, to find our way. Because of that baby we have a reason to celebrate, a reason to decorate, a reason to sing. Just as the angels announced to the shepherds "Good News!", Luke 2 tells us that a Savior is born and He is going to provide a way.
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