Deep Thoughts

Deep thoughts for a Monday!

Han Solo- Look, your Worshipfulness, let’s get one thing straight. I take orders from just one person: me.
Princess Leia Organa- It’s a wonder your still alive.

We know this person. A colleague, employee, partner. They will not ask for nor take direction, help, counsel. They may desperately need it but can’t seem to admit it. Some see asking for help as weakness. They don’t embrace the group think or recognize the group impact from their actions. In the work world, just like our private world, we suffer or celebrate based on the actions of each individual. The answer comes from a simple change of mind. Applied to the way we work and the decisions made it could literally change the course of the world you impact.

Spock-The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or one. 🖖

Posted first on Linked In (6/25/18 jlg(c))


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