
Integrity is a very difficult thing to master for man kind. It is not what we do in public that will give evidence but the things unseen that will be most telling. What we do when no one is looking, or at least no one that knows us is looking. That is really the measure of a man or woman. We are constantly faced with choices, and any of us could choose unwisely. Truth be told, we all have at some time or another. If we are really honest, we can not throw the first stone, at anyone.

What makes it difficult is our expectations of those who present a set of values or a lifestyle to the public, but secretly are living an entirely different life. My father was the same in public as in private. Constant, dependable, honest. If you met him at the airport (where else would he be) then you knew him completely.

I think today of the lives of those who are unfaithful to their families in some way or other. When they are found out, all are shocked and can not believe the man or woman they thought they knew was this bad person. How could they fall? How could they make these bad decisions? How could they lie to us all?

Good questions, all. But even more daunting is who will be next? Many make small missteps while some fall deep into a life of dishonesty or deceit. We will all do one or the other, or both during our lifetime no matter how diligently we try not to. Paul shared he found himself doing that which he did not want to do, and reminded us we all fall short.

So what does this mean, that we can not trust anyone or that we are all losers? In one way the answer is yes! We are all losers, have all fallen and are all messed up. Our personal disasters may affect just us but more likely is that the fall out from our actions will always affect those around you. But it does not mean we all must fail or have no way out. And it certainly does mean that we need to continue in our poor choices. There is a way, even once mistakes are made. It just takes a change in direction.

Romans 3:23, Romans


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