Send a Little Love

In the good old days families stayed within a matter of miles, often for their entire lives. They may feud from time to time, but most of the time the cookies are baked and the family reunites. Now families are spread across the continent or the globe for that matter. I love my family. Sure that is what many people may say, but the question is, do they really? Do they recall the days when they clung together during thunderstorms or stayed up late once a year on News Year to eat snacks and watch television? Do they remember the tough times they have shared, tears and all, or the very silly times that still bring back giggles?
I have a very global family with people all over. We enjoy staying in touch mostly via cell phones and the internet. Sometimes you can almost hear the longing in their words or voice that says they would love to be in the same house with card playing and cheese platters scattered around the table, especially at the holidays. Our family spent a lot of time together and would even drive hours in a blizzard up hills both ways to see a basketball game, a play or graduation. I have only missed one and I am still sad about that. Now you can even web cam things. Who knew! But one thing will always be missing, the hug.
So how do you replace that shared embrace, and all the emotion that goes with it? Maybe it is in gentle or loving words, maybe it is sharing a memory or photo. Are we really committed to sticking by our families and being there no matter where or what is going on? Do we say thank you for being there or for the things they have done? Do we let them know we really LOVE them? Now is an excellent time to step out, send a hug or if you can, drive there to give it. You never know what that moment in time may mean now or down the road to your family. After all, we really don't know the number of our days.
1 Peter 3
Hugs and kisses to you....I want to be there so much. I'm trying hard to give my girls as many memories as you and I grew up with....a never ending circle of love....nuts and all :)