Since the Dawn of Gifts
As soon as the holidays begin you see children and adults alike regress and it dawned on me that likely it has been in the family "chain" since creation. Whenever a special occasion is approaching, one where gift giving may be a part, the attitudes and behaviors change like an unmedicated schizophrenic. Suddenly the chants of Christmas lists and a review of the years personal performances are heard as everyone pleads their case for that new whatever it is.
I bet when Adam and Eve found new leaves or a different fur to wear the kids started bargaining to get one right away. And when chariots went from single passenger to four seaters I am sure that "dad" thought this would really impress the neighbors and make his commute to the stadium so much better. We all know that when the electric dishwasher was developed every woman in the world could rationalize the need for one with the unlikely support of every family member as this would be a win-win gift. But do we really need the newest, latest and greatest model? Is it not just a box that is going to do the same thing, wash your dishes?
What is it that makes us "want" stuff? Are we really so deprived or needy that we have to always have new things? I think often of those without anything. How can I be so self absorbed to want when there are those without a pillow or roof. Not that it is bad to give or receive, but with true vision or perspective I wonder if we would change our list even a little. Perhaps get less and give much more....
I recently have had many friends endure serious hardships and life altering events. For Christmas one of these families would like to see their 11 year old son be able to regain his physical abilities after he suffered a massive stroke. Another would like to be able to have complete success from the chemo therapy for her cervical cancer and yet another would be grateful for a peaceful last Christmas with their father. There are countless families and individuals that are trapped in homelessness and poverty wanting only for a warm meal or coat. What is it I would really like for Christmas? What is it I really need? When I consider my great fortune I am hard pressed to find anything I really need for Christmas.
What we can do for the needs of those around us is really easy and simple. Pray is the first and most important gift. We don't even have to leave our beds to do that. Communicate our love perhaps with a card or some baked goods or a hug. Share from your abundance. That pair of socks or shoes you have in a box in the closet would be a start, or that blanket you never use or the canned goods you bought on sale and have yet to include in a meal. So while the season of giving is upon us, we might focus more on the real gifts, the ones that bring so much more than momentary joy, but those that impact a life on a more eternal level. Those might be the best Christmas gifts ever!
Deuteronomy 15:11, 1 Samuel 2:8, Matthew 25:35
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