A Land Apart
Have you ever had a day where you wish you could put a continent between you and what ever you are facing? I always think of the sound of the ocean and the birds and the calming waves that would bring you rest during the migration to the promised land. That is the land without humans, communication, work, crisis, illness. I am going there one day and I can tell you that many times I think it should be within the next blink, but alas, I open my eyes to see I am still here, waiting.
The bad news is that waiting can be difficult. You have to constantly work at or work out all of the events that bring the pain, sorrow, frustration, scars and mental anguish. They can leave you weary, sad, angry, rejected and in mourning. The good news is that in the balance of time we have the events that bring pure joy: marriage, children, love, support and acceptance. And we have the promise that no matter who wounds us, no matter how deep our despair, no matter who rejects is we are always loved and accepted by the One who is greater still. Isn't that great to ponder?
I have seen the pendulum swing as I have ventured out this week during the season of "joy"? I can tell you at the post office, in the store or in the mail events have not been complete joy, but a smattering of toxic fumes that can deflate any good mood. Thank God we have a place to dump the waste and be cleansed of the debris. Thank God we have a place to be refreshed and restored. Thank God for Christmas that perfect gift in which we can rest assured. Thank God that by accepting His gift we can be sure that we will get to that land apart, with rivers flowing, of endless joy.
Revelation 22
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