NEW LIFE! It is a wonderful miracle. I cry everytime a baby is born. It started early on and I just can't stop. I remember as a nursing student having to make up a clinical on a cold snowy Saturday morning. The floor was short staffed and the halls were overflowing with round bellied ......."stressed" women. They saw my nursing uniform and sent me straight to a delivery room. Are you kidding? I can't do that I protested, I am just a student. It was made clear to me that I had arms and no skid shoes I would do! So in I went. I watched my first live birth. Put those school videos to shame. I was mesmorized. And then it happened. After a lot of screaming and sweating out came the most beautiful human being I had ever seen. I CRIED.....ALOT! And the doctor turned around, handed me this creation and said "do your stuff!" As I sniffled and cried some more.
THEN I thought for a few seconds and decided I had no idea what "stuff" was.
After raising an eyebrow and mumbling he listed off what my job was. It was clear at that moment he had no idea I was a student despite the presence of my bright yellow school bib. He softened and helped me assess this newborn. Cool! I probably said that 100 times.
I have since enjoyed this experience a number of times with friends and eventually after several miscarriages I had my son. And we cried. What a privilege we are given to care for and love these gifts. I think of how so many choose not to have their babies. One moment looking in those eyes or touching those tiny fingers and I am certain most would change their minds.
I am humbled when I think about the job God has entrusted me with. To raise a child in the way he should go, to be a
testimony to the God that knit him in the womb. Cool!
To our cousins who today delivered another miracle I say "Cool"!
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