What, was I talking? Have you experienced this today? I have been reflecting on this from both sides of the discussion. I was in a meeting and without fail every time someone wanted to interject a thought or explain their side, this face would be glaring back at them. You could tell that there was not the least bit of interest in anything that would be said. Their way or the highway.
It took me back to many past situations personal and professional where a conversation was attempted but clearly the face looking back had closed the door. They were not going to even entertain hearing what you thought or felt. Your opinion or concern was not important, it didn't matter. Only them. Only what they would choose to think would be considered to be so.
Frustrating to say the least. Especially when you want peace, you find yourself at war. Tragic really. God told us to think more of others than ourselves. He told us forgive. And so we do this but the caution is that while you do your part to live in peace you can never influence others to take those same steps. That is Gods work. Only His spirit will change the heart. The good news is that He can and has changed hearts, changed lives. So we know He can change the hardest hearts. The job we have in the meantime? Love, pray and trust.
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