
So you wake up feeling great most days. You groom, nourish, pray, interact and rest each day. You care deeply for family and friends, enjoying those moments together. You feel pretty good. You go about your business without a clue that an assault is coming. Your nice mojo is about to be blasted to bits leaving you in shambles. And most alarming is no one will say a word. They will cover their eyes, ears and mouths letting the bitter chemicals eat away at the fabric of your being. Like the fence around this house you are shunned without cause. Left to wonder about all those years of love and trust you put into those you thought were genuine, faithful, faithfilled and true. You only see now that no one can be relied upon save for God alone. You are outside, castaway from your circle of life. Tragedy in every way and we are reminded then of Gods faithfulness and justice in all things. Our defender and the lover of our soul. We are reminded that when men fail God prevails. When men knock us down God picks us up. That when men stop loving us God carries us. That when we are alone and discouraged God gives us hope and friendship.
When man finds you worthless God finds you priceless. When you are cast aside, left in shambles, God sees you worth more than silver or gold.
Do not be discouraged for I bring you Good News!
The best news is that God will enter that broken down fence, He will sit at your table and He will love you as you are without condition. HE is your one true family and friend.
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