
I AM GOING IN! Wait you shout, you can not pet the ducks. We are not the same. They only like us if we feed them. We only like them if their dinner. Always some rule or exception or clause for the ducks and people to coexist. Sound familiar?
I have found it interesting to see if I can truly give unconditional love and acceptance. It takes deliberate, intentional actions at times. A concentrated effort to give love to all no restraint or restrictions. BUT it can be done. Even more enlightening is to assess if I am able to receive unconditional love and affection. Much like those ducks I think there are conditions, hidden hazards, mysterious motives that are really intended to bait me in so you can baste and roast me for dinner.
We are complex beings with insecurities and unchecked emotions that lend us to creating more drama to any conversation than needs to exist. We are suspicious and hyper-reactive to even the slightest waiver in tone or volume. Unconditional! It means NO condition action motion emotion will cause me to love you less or more. It is not I love you if or when but I love you. Period.
Enduring unmoved unshaken uncomplicated uninhibited undying love. Unconditional.
So like that boy who says he is going to see the ducks. He doesn't care if they are loud scary flighty nippy ugly bald. He just loves the ducks. Maybe one day the ducks won't run for cover but hang around for a little TLC!
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