Sock Puppets

While I run in circles trying to juggle all the cares of the world my son is focused on the here and now. Seems there is a Sunday service in there somewhere. But just at the absolute breaking point to my overbooked schedule, he runs in to tell me the funniest joke, he promises. I sigh deeply and try to act extremely interested.
"Why did the banana go to the doctor?" "I don’t. Know. Why would a banana go to the doctor?" "Because he didn't peel well. Get it mom?"
Okay I have to admit it is pretty funny. Then I realized I wasn't peeling as well as I should either. Why, I half wondered as I clearly knew the answer. I had not been spending enough time with my fruit, or son. I was busy but for all the wrong reasons. Happens to me all the time. I move or sleep. I must be doing. Problem is I start out good, defined list, clear priorities. Then the magnet phenomena occurs. I attract every project, needy person, volunteer for all the projects. Before I know it I have packed that schedule to the hilt. Jesus will be back before I hit page two. Just call me Martha.
It is while at the bookstore that my son tells me he has found it. The perfect thing. Sock puppets. A kit to make puppets. It is easy the box assures me. For children 8 and older......right!
The easy kit turned into an all night ordeal. But what fun it was. I was not messing with work emails, my classwork, the dozens of other things I do. I was focused. I had my eye on the prize. And it reinforced something I know but often forget. I do my best when I am all in as opposed to divided into a million pieces. I made two pretty decent sock puppets, completed in one sitting. Not dragged out over four weeks and a fragmented calendar. Some of my family or friends have this perfected. I am still learning I guess. I have to reboot my mental computer and do a scan to defragment and declutter. I hope I get this down someday. But in the meantime I will start out with babysteps, or in this case Sally the monkey and Spot the dog.


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