Belonging Part 2
Just when you think you have it all figured out, the family, the friends, the job, something changes, someone turns. It is like being on a game show where you have to choose a curtain or door, and you don't know if you will get a really cool prize or an old rusty tractor with a donkey wearing a straw hat. I usually pick that door:0 I happen to like antiques and animals so not a total loss.
Relationships in the human realm certainly can be that way too. We hope we can rely on our families and usually these are the most reliable of circumstances. And romance and marriage can work, at least statistically you have 50-50 odds of success. A true friend can be priceless. But picking those and finding that one or two devoted friends may mean a lot of disappointments in the hunt. You probably have experienced friendship gone bad. Gets ugly, and can get there quick. Or that friend who came out of nowhere, unsolicited and unexpected.
I have experienced the ups and downs of friendship. I have those who were around when everything was good, there for every party and camping trip. But a serious life event occurred and they were gone like bad gas. Pouf! But out of that residual odoriferous cloud others stepped up, having heard about the situation and they have been stuck to me since. They encourage, support, listen and share in all that I have to go through. These are friends tested by fire and they are true, solid, gifts! Those that ran into the woods I have not heard from again. I could probably post them on milk cartons to see if anyone has seen them again.
In any situation, family, marriage or friendship you hope for the very best. True to their word, unconditionally accepting of you even when you are all messed up and cranky, they will stand the test of time. And in many cases they do. But what about those that don't? The parents who are horrible, reject one child while accepting another, showing favoritism or walking away; the family that does not welcome you in or show compassion; the marriage that fails due to infidelity or lack of interest; the friendship that was not true or the one that was but is lost to geography or death. What then?
Since I know only one perfect Friend and He is true to His word and true to me, I know if all these others let me down, fail me in every way, reject me over silly things, judge me for my opinion or way of life, or if they all completely walk away, He will be there. And if I go AWOL He will come look for me, over and over and over again! He will never grow weary of me or my short comings. How cool is that as I know I can really be annoying. But I also, like everyone I know, want to be accepted and a part. Thank God I can always find that with Him.
1 John 3:1 How great is the love that the Father has lavished on us...The only unconditional, reliable, predictable, eternal love.
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