A Birthday Carol

I love birthdays. A great time for reflection of days gone by, a review of the joys of today and the anticipation of hopes realized. Kind of like a Christmas Carol only with cake and candles instead of ghosts and chains....hmmmm. I have had a rich and adventurous life. My childhood was always an adventure waiting to happen. The daughter of an Air Force man we were able to travel, and live in a variety of states. I was at Disneyland in 1966, when it was only a few years old and full of every girls dream characters like Cinderella, Snow White and Sleeping Beauty. A day and age when the "Flight to the Moon" ride seemed like a real adventure, even though it just jiggled and made noise like when the washer is off balance. I was in South Dakota, living at the Star Motel and visiting the local Dinosaur Hill attraction. I don't need to describe it, just imagine two, 2-story Dino the dinosaur's on a hill. And yes, that was all there was to see:)
I was in Washington D.C.and Virginia in the late 60's and early 70's during the Vietnam war and the resignation of Nixon. We visited every historical park and museum in a 3 state area including a "must see" trip to Hershey Chocolate factory in PA. I returned to South Dakota to celebrate the landing of the satellite that fell from space and to see the attempted assassination of Reagan. I finally reached an age of independence where I was able to freely roam and make my own decisions, many we don't discuss to this day, but mostly good ones:) I have lived in Arizona for the past 24 years. I actually moved here for my 25th birthday because "I was cold". Sounds like a logical reason to make a life altering decision. I have been here for every major news event and watched most of them nonstop on TV such as the wedding of Princess Diana, the death of the Princess, the coming of age of Tiger Woods golf game, the anniversary of Barbie and the end of Montgomery Wards. I have passed all my landmark birthdays without landing in jail, or having my cake set the house on fire. I have shared those happy memories with dear family and or friends. What I notice most often is the presence or absence of those you have come to know. Sometimes it is geography that changes the landscape of a party, you have moved or people have moved, or even passed away. Sometimes it is relationship that alters who is there, they do or don't have you in their speed dial any longer. And sometimes it is due to situations that change. Family changes, friends change, schedules change, vision changes, life changes. It is at my birthday that I remember those that have passed through my life and in being a part have made it richer. They have made a contribution, whether it was pleasant or not to experience, and it has made me who I am today. I never hold a grudge, I never remain angry, I do not remember offences (that was true even before I got so old). These things just make you self absorbed, bitter and unable to really enjoy life to it's fullest. I do always forgive, always forget and always have a hug waiting. It makes everyday a great adventure and each year fun to celebrate when you don't carry so much luggage. So I want to say Thank You for being a part of my "Birthday Carol".

2 Timothy 1:3
... I thank God for you—the God I serve with a clear conscience, just as my ancestors did. Night and day I constantly remember you in my prayers. (NLT)

Numbers 6:24-26
The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace. (NKJV)


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