I talk to my fish. Call me crazy, but I am fairly sure he is listening. Whenever I come in the kitchen he will float up to see me, his little red eye following me wherever I go. He is a great listener and I appreciate having "someone" unbiased to talk to. Okay, so he lives in a tank, floats in green water and perhaps is only interested in food. But the relationship seems to work. No conflict, no arguing, no judging, no pretending, just good old fashioned silence.
I often think we could learn a lot from my fish. An albino shark that started out the size of a Tylenol, now almost too big to enjoy his coral. When I am washing my dishes or cooking dinner he is there, quiet and attentive. How many times have you wanted to talk to a spouse, friend or co-worker with the same benefits? Silence.
We are a generation that is very uncomfortable with silence, we must add-on or fill-in any dead space. Perhaps it is the constant stimulation since the womb that has caused a need for constant sound and movement. I see people multi-tasking constantly, in line at the store, during church, at a school play, in class and at work. Doing at least three things constantly appears to be the new norm. My fish and I must respectfully challenge this behavior.
I am also certain that everyone is of the opinion that they must render their opinion for every question, conversation or crisis. I have been guilty of this myself and still can be compelled to dispense my remarkably flawless advise. Then I recall my fish; calm, focused, quiet. I think about the man (or woman) who has too much to say, you know them as Gabby Gus or Chatty Cathy or annoying. They miss the greatest opportunity of all, to offer the kind word that cheers the heart (Proverbs 12:25).
This of course takes focus, on what is being said not what the reply will be. And it takes patience in waiting for the right moment to speak as opposed to the silent void that may appear. And it takes comfort in the fact that silence is okay, being still and waiting......
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