
TIME! I do not seem to have enough of it. Even now during this unexpected "free" time I am booked solid. And I can not understand why having gained 10 or more hours a day from the loss of a job has not created a huge amount of leisure time for me. Hmmmmm I don't know how a clock actually works. By my calculations I should have gained roughly 1080 hours or 45 full days. Haven't seen them anywhere! Matter of fact that clock spins around like the Price is Right Wheel.
Of course I had an accident which has consumed 12-18 hours a week in therapy, appointments and associated travel time. And I spent the first few weeks sleeping A LOT! So that being considered I should still have noticed a large gap, an empty calendar day, some free time. Then it hit me like a tsunami.
How many times do we go about our daily lives and say "Oh dear, I can't do that because I have to work" or "I have an appointment" or "I have to bowl". And so we put those other things on a list for some free time, an open moment on the calendar. That list gets long. It grows like that weed in your garden you can't make go away. I will have pages of things needing to get done, and as you know from your list, they are things I may never do. For example there is no need to buy those replacement special water proof mattress covers anymore as your child was potty trained three years ago. Scratch that one right off. Or you no longer need to send a wedding gift or card to the Jones' as that was last year and now they are having a baby. Could send it all at once but who are we kidding. Send a baby gift, maybe go ahead and purchase the game boy as it is likely you won't mail it for 4 1/2 to 6 years when you find it in the drawer you are cleaning out. For those of you who know me and are waiting for something, it is either lost, too late, or donated as I couldn't remember what I got it for.
This reflection was the result of an overcrowded schedule just yesterday. Started with a weekly breakfast with a friend, then to a special event with my son, then cleaning, several loads of laundry, cooking, cleaning, falling into a dead sleep with the TV still on.....and nobody better say it's my age.
My one goal was to write every day, my other goal was not to bore any one. But as it stands I have already blown one......So back to the schedule thing, I am going to try a new strategy, schedule TIME for the things that are important and let the rest fall on the list. That will require me to first start a list of what is important. What is not negotiable. What will benefit those who are a priority to me. Those things will be given VP status on my calendar, and the rest will fall on the list. So I guess the question is, have any of you experienced a lack of time? An inability to do everything it is you would like to do or think needs to be done? Then join me on this venture to make a "list", prioritize and reorganize and see if we can get a handle on our TIME! I will let you know how that goes.......when I have time.


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