Take Me Away

I love the beach! I love sunshine. I love to swim and hear the roar of the ocean and hear the seagulls and the feel of the sand. There is really not one thing I don't like......well maybe dog doodles and debris, but for the most part it is my ideal way to get away from it all. "Calgon take me away!" I laugh when I hear that as personally I have never found a single candle, soap or cushion that will convince me that stepping into my little bathtub equates even remotely to a vacation AWAY from it all. I mean really, who are we kidding. And I am pretty good at make believe. Not going to happen. I need the wide open spaces to believe I am really enjoying the great outdoors.

I know there are days when things are great and no big problems hitting your desk so who needs a get away. A little dinner, movie, nice walk and it is all good for yet another day. That little tiny bat will probably do ya just fine. But then there are those other days, you know those days, the ones that make you absolutely want to smash anything within reach. The days where only the bad words come to mind as you drop yet another bag of groceries while trying to open the door. The kind where only silence, a closed door and some therapy music have any chance of bringing you off the ceiling.

Those are the days where I need a radical change to my mental state. I need to completely obliterate the enemy for a moment and dispose of the hostile thoughts so that I can indeed go put my groceries away in such a manner that eggs will be spared. I have found if I can not get to a beach, the ideal place to forget I have any responsibility or worry at all, I must sing. And I must sing LOUDLY! If I am home alone this is marvelous. I can turn my surround sound system on to level 40 (not permitted when others are home) or more and I can sing my troubles away. I suddenly forget what was so big a moment ago that I propelled fruit cups into the back of the fridge. Gone just like that.

In crisis, like people are home and I can not get my stereo fix, it is to the car for me. I have done that since I got a license. It was the only way I survived my teen years. I drive and sing, still not illegal in the continental United States. And were it not for the people who depend on me at home I could be compelled to drive for hours, say TO THE BEACH! Sigh! But Thank God my vocal chords are with me no matter where I am....Where ever I go there they are:)

So find your mental space, that place you can go or create where you are able to repel the anger, frustration and insanity. Have the plan ready so that a drop of the hat, you can be there, calm down from the inside out and get free of that unwanted dog doodle and debris.

James 1:19-20
Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God.


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